February Sync

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Malaikat, Feb 8, 2022.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with a server restart tomorrow at around 10am CET to do some background work.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
  2. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync is completed. If you have any trouble logging in, please clear your cache and cookies and try again.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
  3. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with a server restart tomorrow at around 10 am CET to do some background work and to go live with our Ship Plus Update.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
  4. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync is now complete and the Ship Plus Update went live. Together with this, we also did some bug fixes in the background:
    • Bug: Apis/Zeus drone don’t get XP with Holo – FIXED
    • Improvement: Orcus ship - the Amplify ability has been reduced from 2.0 to 1.75 for the effect

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  5. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    After this week’s sync, a problem with restabilizing modules appears in our game. The team is aware about it and they are working on a fix. But it might take until next week’s sync before the bug fix can go live.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
  6. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We will have a sync with a server restart tomorrow at around 10 am CET to do some background work.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.
  7. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Our sync has been completed. We did some background work and we fixed the following bug:
    • Bug: Restabilizing ship modules doesn’t work - FIXED
    In case you have any trouble logging in, please clear your cache and cookies then try again.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.