Feedback: "3D Graphics Engine Update" test

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. z.marius^

    z.marius^ User

    Same could be done for vengeance and lightning, and also make them run only on the 4 engines they have
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  2. They're still deciding that's the engine they're using for now. It hasn't been confirmed for all I know.

    There is no feedback on new drone formations, but i shall put it here.

    As i have seen, the drone formations move around? vid here..

    We all understand how cool it looks but what if im sitting at cbs or gate or somewhere like SB thats very crowded and lots of people have them on, our computers must compute for all the moving drones and parts, the 3D darkorbit may get laggier than some would expect.

    I don't really like to have my drone's turned off so i see letters only. :c
  5. _nomad

    _nomad User

    You guys seriously need to consider redoing the boss lordakium.. Like what is that
    SauronL likes this.

  6. Yeah, that is one ugly boss. Looks like i don't know a a 'slinky? or a creature floating in a pool.

    The engine exhaust trail(s) should be one, two, or four depending on the ships nozzles.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
  7. 3D Mode

    I have to say that I dislike the laser noise sound effect. To me it sound like a alarm is going off none stop while shooting. If only I could turn the laser sound effect off, as I like the other's sound effect.
  8. Don't know if this is the place for this, but the update seems to have broken the game. Can't use the start button.
  9. Wasp!

    Wasp! User

    It seems that the update has made things not work for some.

    I wasn't able to get past the daily bonus screen on one of my servers, and later found it was due to the ad pop-ups that plague anyone that hasn't spent at least $2.49 toward the game. This is not a good thing, because the game is shifting back toward the Pay-to-Play mind set. .

    On my other server account, I have no ads so I was able to get to the main screen, but beyond that, the play map screen doesn't display anything on it.. Just vast darkness..

    I'll try another browser, but i'm guessing this will still be a problem.. I'll report back with any findings..
  10. [​IMG]

    awesome EMP mines, cool static electricity? yeah well how about JAMX? 5 out of 5 stars.

  11. I agree... remove that please. It looks like [REMOVED], and therefore is a bit disturbing sight. :confused:
    Edit: it got removed from my text... good start. ;)

    It looks like mix of a jellyfish, and butt hole with hemorrhoids. ;)
    Personally i think that's pretty hilarious. :D
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  12. ir0n

    ir0n User

    It is bad npc's looks like cartoon. I think you people had really try hard you could have done alot better job but you just greedy for money......
  13. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I think they should also remake background, when i take0 look on that i dont feel like im in 3D , i feel like im moving in 3D on paper
    jackknife likes this.


    i like the 3d only thing that bugs me is the lag got to sibs in alfa and it lagged
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 3, 2015
  15. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    Already encountered a Visual Glitch, there's a RSB Shot on the portal.. LOL[​IMG]
  16. is super cool the 3D, but when i junt any gate, i have to stay for about 5-10 seconds lto go on the other side of the gate.
  17. Encountered some glitches.
    - Rsbs laser shots near port.
    - Ucb ammo shots near port.
    - When Jumping thru one of the ports i cant rush as i jump as that causes no visual of what's going on.

    What i like about 3-D mode:
    - smoother gameplay.
    - Able to pan the Screen While at base 3-1 and 3-8
    - Effects(in general)

    What i do not like about the 3-D which can serve as improvements:
    -Dont like the feeling that im flying on a paper board (aka 2-D Background.)
    - Textures could be better (could be improved.)
    - The lordakium Look like they been squished (personally it looks like they took a diet pill then got flatten)(aslo funny.)

    This is my feedback i hope You Guys Listen/Fix The issues mentioned.
    ĶΛRÐINΛL likes this.
  18. I did Beta GG - what the heck - playing the gate while looking at the Sun?! Where is the blue? The green? The contrast, so I can see the red lock? Seriously, I put on my 'sunglasses at night' :(. Did Delta GG in the same fashion garb, but what happened to the lushness of green (beautiful map) in the original o_O?. It is Ok in Zeta GG because there is black colors to counter the brightness of yellow/orange.

    Whomever thought this is OK and a GO ahead, should be dismissed until they put back another map that was similar to the original colors - comeback you are still hired.

    Alpha GG - thumbs up :cool: - contrasting colors - sky blue
    Beta GG - thumbs down :( - red dot is hard to see - looking at the Sun
    Gamma GG - thumbs up - :cool: - sky blue with a lightness of yellow/green

    Will edit as I go along.

    Edit :::::

    Very nice! The colors are now restored (Beta G and Delta G) to a playable viewing of the background, but not the same as the original, but who am I?

    Cool factor is traveling through the portal holes :D

    The game play is smoother, yes indeedy

    At base is weird :eek: and then travel to and from looks like a drunk and then sober - sorry my opinion

    Oh yeah, that graphic guide as to how far your rockets and lasers guide is a God send...used to be on the 2D , but it now on in 3D :cool:

    The graphics of hitting and being hit are great esp. the flashing that puts a little white colors on your ship...along with the shields being hit, but the rockets are too small to be seen, but the HUGE contrails...hahaha.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
  19. I was really thrilled with the 3D, both on the test server and with live play but after constant play decided to go back to 2D as its really hard to lock in sudden pvp play otherwise. But I loved the graphics. Actually that is another issue when playing as you may not notice an enemy that has suddenly appeared above you and killing you.
  20. CHANCE

    CHANCE User

    Why does the Apis Drone look like a normal Iris Drone.
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