Feedback: "3D Graphics Engine Update" test

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I Like it. Runs smooth I seam to have lost some of the lag when near other players. Only issue I've seen is that sometimes when I jump to another map. I loose my ship, I should say ship, pet and everything is gone but background. no gates. if i click around I'll find the gate button. jump back and it all comes back. only other way is to relog. It's new they'll be bugs.
  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    They need to remake all lordakium skins ## , looks horrible, like if someone was doing it and was drunk while that

    CHANCE User

    Why does the Apis Drone look like the Iris Drone?
  4. When can we expect the new Goli dizi and test time:):):)
  5. Many have said, that 3D mode looks like cartoon, but i don't see how some people can see it that way.
    To me it looks more like plastic toys.

    So textures could be more realistic. It LACKS A LOT METAL!
    Most disturbing is probaply Annihilators and palladium

    Annihilators look like leather cough with spikes or over filled Annihilator leather balloons.
    (Needs more edges)

    Palladium looks like plastic like lego diamonds or something. Personally i liked old shape more.
  6. guys..need help with this...will i be able to run 3d with this graphic card"
    ASUS Radeon HD 6450 1GB DDR3

    im still in 2d version planing to buy better graphic card so i can be able to play in 3d...will i be able to play with this graphic card ?
  7. Toudi

    Toudi User

    Yeah easy, I seen people with worst graphic card and they where playing in 3D smoothly
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