Feedback for Hatching Out

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Oddessey, Mar 21, 2017.

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  1. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I am really happy with this event too.
    I do have lots of ship and best gear. So this is a fresh air to me. First time I am getting a decent amount or Plasmidium and Scrap. that is awesome. As I can make Obsidian keys. And lots of prismatic too. Already made quite a few EMPS.

    Makes the materials useful for the first time for me.

    And the biggest and best thing. I see no BOTTERS at all. Either they all playing. Or that bug with Locator made it impossible for them.

    And on my server there are quite a lot of people. And much more fights too. As PVP missions are fixed.

    So at the moment All is Great.

    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  2. THIS, this right here is exactly what is happening on East 1 as of right now, a multicompany clan has been shooting everyone off the hitac, all for the points to get that end rewards( LF4) that they dont even need because they are already UFE! :p. Yes the I-eggs give you some good resources and material I commend the team for that BUT where they went wrong is still giving room for bully occurences to take place. The UFE multi clans shoot all the noobs off the hitac then go on global chat and flame and make fun of them for even trying to go for the hitac. The team can easily counter this by having the eggs give out a little more Purge points at a rate in which if one were to only go for I-eggs then they can barely keep up with the UFE's going for the hitacs this way players have a second viable/practical path into making enough Purge points for the end goal of this event.:) Overall I think this event seems like an honest effort and an event I exciting to be a part of, I just feel bad for the lower levels and even above FE players who want to take part in the hitacs but get popped within seconds of being around the hitacs.
  3. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    Completely agree with you :)
    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  4. batata

    batata User

    They could implement a band pass filter type function to make the points destribution more fair in hitac, the way the even is now makes little sence has the ones in better chance to receive the lf4 are the ones that already are ufe o_O
    Its like u need a delorean to go to the future take your ufe equipment to farm it in the past and... wait wut?? :confused: this makes no sence...
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    SmieBOX likes this.
  5. MCC's PAY to PLAY and it is not in the interest for DO to do anything about them.
    Just look how many have crawled out from under their rocks to participate in this 1 $ided event, AGAIN..................
    Might as well talk to the wall.
    Hello wall.....................
  6. The spawn rate for gygerthralls is MUCH lower than the advertised 50% from eggs. I am having trouble getting enough kills to finish the 4th quest, which requires 40
    Kante. likes this.
  7. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I am not sure of exact percentage it is compared to the 50% it should be. But it is pretty damn good as I have done it yesterday.

    I think less complaining more Playing would be the right idea here :)
    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  8. This isn't exactly P2P. Only thing you need is a clan with alliances with the strongest clans and reasonable dmg so you can participate I-Hitac and get 50 VPP's per hitac.
  9. apetown.

    apetown. User

    This event was the final blow to make me quit. Enough of the money milking already and now
    this crap. I'm not talking as an small free player - I'm talking as many years in darkorbit been veteran ufe player.

    -Shooting the hitac is absolutely NOT worth of the ammoes it takes because uri payout is way too low. Ofc you can just shoot it with x2 and x1 but then you will have no chance to be in top15 of dmg dealers and receive even somesort of rewards.

    -Everyone expected that because hitac comes then we will have the moon lottery again, well nope.

    -20k vpp requires you to either a) do 125 alpha/beta/gamma-rounds, b) shoot ~267 i-hitacs, c) shoot atleast 10k i-gygerthralls (40% chance for 2 points = likely u need to shoot atleast doubled amount) or d) shoot atleast 20k i-eggs. (20% chance for 1 point so more like 100k eggs). Also the rewards from milestones are absolutely crap when compared to the work you need, and oh yeah there is boosters to make this easier, BUT if you would want to have boosters during whole event you need to bank really A LOT of money.
    Example: if you play 4h per day during the event, that will cost you 3,99€ per day unless you have cheaper payment. 15d*3,99€=59,85€

    -While the ships was in craft, each one was costing 450 i-oil, 20 h-hp and 15 h-mt. Not everyone has those stored. These values make their cost absolutely ridiculous.
    Example: with premium and rebate (total disc. -30%), both h-hp and h-mt are costing 28k uri per 1. so 1 ship needs 35 of these parts. 35*28,000=980,000
    Very nice fail again bp... 1 million uri per ship, cmon that's more of a joke. if you want 3 ships you need to use 2,940,000 uri.
    2,94m uri as npcs = 2871 cubicons or 5472 boss kristallons or 22969 kristallons.
    I can only imagine what this feels for people who don't buy prem and rebate as for them the 3 ships would be costing 35*40,000=1,400,000 -> 1,4*3=4,2
    4,2m uri as npcs = 4102 cubicons or 8203 boss kristallons or 32813 kristallons.
    Of course you can try your luck with bootybox, but i don't believe that would be cheap neither.

    Hopefully more people will realise soon that this game is going to crash the bottom very soon, maybe even during this year because IF bp would really care about their customers, they would listen us and try to make stuff that would make sense and if it doesn't, then make changes asap. All these failured events since saimon invasion just shows it even more that bp cares only from your money, but your opinions - they couldn't even care less. I've played this game since 2008, back in the history we used to have working customer support, darkorbit had zero tolerance towards bug abusers/botters/hackers. Lets compare to current moment, you can bug 10m+ rsb worth of many many millions uri and what u get? 1 month ban at max xDD oh and almost forgot these hundreds or maybe thousands of botter who will never ever get punished xD gg bigpoint, have fun with game that has soon only botters left - or maybe they will quit too :D
    Just a small advice for everyone: Don't support this company anymore, they don't deserve your money or your time - at all!
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
    Odin® and KnightRock like this.
  10. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    You play this game so long??? And you moan about this?

    Few tweaks might be needed, but the event overall is good. First milestone I done yesterday already. No Hitac shooting. Done A,B and lots of Eggs.

    What concerns 20k to get 1 LF4 yes it is not good. So I am not gonna even go for that. But I will try reach the Kyhalon rewards. And tetrathrin.

    Hit does give 5k UCB 100 ammo. and some more extras. So it is not that bad.
    Compare it to PVP.

    Anyone who PVPs what do they get except FUN. Nothing. it is a complete waste of all you best gear. And here you do gain things. So do not moan that much.

    Tweaking is needed especially for rewards on milestones. But OVERALL It is good EVENT.
    dimanddistantMMO and ***NOMAD*** like this.

  11. You are not looking at the whole picture.
    It is another event for UFE players. Ofcourse it is not hard for u, but think for a second about players who cant afford to go even near hitac. The event is too expensive by itself.
  12. I am playing this event with account that has 17 LF-4s and 8 drones and doing just fine. I don't know if I want to go for the LF-4 but at least there is new content and goals for everyone. I am also collecting the Oil for new ships. Also, shooting Hitac isn't that expensive, I've mostly used x3 and x4 and without seprom I am still getting the reward box.

    Only thing you need when killing the hitac is a clan with alliances so you don't get shot at by war clans or enemies as much. If you have UFE but you're at war with everyone shooting the hitac it's just as bad as having FE with the wars.
    SmieBOX likes this.
  13. I still remember when i first started to play cubes were to hard for me to kill and others didn't want me on cubes cause i didn't know or understand what to do but that didn't mean i wanted to quit cause i couldn't have what others could. It just made me want to learn more so i could help or kill a cube alone and that's a fact some players are not ready for such a Alien so maybe they will have to read and learn and equip their ship accordingly and maybe next event they will be able to participate. The UFE players shouldn't have to wait for these players just as i didn't expect the players on cubes to wait for me so i could share. Try and Enjoy hopefully the event will be fixed soon and we can get back to the event in full swing.
    SmieBOX likes this.
  14. I have to agree with you Bad. Unfortunately, if you aren't even shooting on the Hitac, but happen to just be in the vicinity, these MCCs decide to shoot on you. We will never change what darkorbit does. I think that everyone should have the chance to shoot on the hitac. I feel that if someone is shooting on the Hitac and someone else who's shooting on the hitac breaks off the hitac to shoot them down, they should get negative honor. Maybe that will discourage them.
  15. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I can tell you one thing very clear. OP32 stated this event is not for NOOBS. I am not able to copy paste as it is said somewhere in the forums.

    So no need to say it is easy or hard. DO done it this way specifically. So I think you just did not know :)

    And as NOMAD said. You can shoot hitac and get reward. It all depends on you. How smart and good as a player you are.

    And be honest with yourself too. Can you really do it? would you really do it?

    IT IS EXACTLY SAME AS IN REAL LIFE: Some people are smart, some work hard. And they have more wealth than others. That is normal.

    Why should lazy bastards get paid equally.

    So this event is good. Spend some money get strong. And join HITAC.
    MyBigi and dimanddistantMMO like this.
  16. REALLY???????????????????
  17. Veki

    Veki User

    I see the same thing. I killed over 100 eggs, but only 2-3 times gygerthralls spawned. Maybe someone put 5% insted of 50% spawn chance?
  18. What server do u play on?????????????
    Greenhorn just about sums it up.
    Come to USA east and u will see the "strongest clans" that usually only come out from under their rocks during an event like this.
    This event is aimed at the like to squeeze even more $$ out of their "$trong hands", in MY opinion...............
  19. so far the event is good but i"ve seen some issues before an hour i was receiving 50 points 5k ucb now only 50 points anyone knows if they changed the rewards??
  20. Other than the technical issues, I do like the event so far.
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