Feedback for Hatching Out

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Oddessey, Mar 21, 2017.

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  1. As long as you 1-laser-shot kill the I-Eggs, any ammo would do. The spawn rate of the I-Gygerthralls would be around 50%, though this thing is not stated on the FAQ, its rather a secret feature or an unsolved bug.
  2. ...WAR...

    ...WAR... User

    i tested this too with only one shot kills eggs more gyger spawns.
  3. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    darkorbit said everyone would have all the stuff thay need to at least build 1 new ship at the end of the event ,,-I should of known better that t6o trust the word of a compulsive lier ...because you promised everyone at least 1 new ship
    ._.Sparrow._. likes this.
  4. MAJOR FAIL or what WE have come to expect in the last year.........?

    Tho$e with $kill seemed to enjoy it.........................
    ._.Sparrow._. likes this.
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