Feedback for New Ship Plus Update: Spectrum Plus

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Dec 13, 2023.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the new Spectrum Plus ship. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. AVIT

    AVIT User

    sounds like a botters dream ship that ,,what were you thinking off !!
  3. ElGatoJr

    ElGatoJr User

    The Spectrum ability is 10 seconds, your shield takes 90% less damage and your laser damage is reduced by 25%.

    The Spectrum Plus ability lasts 8 seconds, Laser Damage Reduction: -70% Laser Damage Debuff: -50%

    The new ship is worse than the old one, it literally only has 2 additional generators, and otherwise, it is most definitely worse. You all don't play the game anymore do you, the citadel plus ability is already way better. Could've made Sentinel Plus or at least made the Spectrum Plus good.
  4. i noticed that the ability for the spectrum plus is worse than the spectrum itself, the spectrum's shields take 90% less dmg while 25% of its own laser dmg is compermised. however the plus verison takes away 70% and 50% of its own dmg away. both have the same lasers, same exact passive ability, only the plus ship has a little more hp and 2 more gen slots. And the Cit plus has the over powered prismatic ability the makes the spectrum and spectrum plus ships useless. id say the spectrum is almost better than the spectrum plus in the ability aspect.
  5. USAGeneral

    USAGeneral User

    Seems a bit like a ship for a mid level player trying to do some mission but always gets attacked - and he can escape easly.. Otherwise I don't see any other benefit
    I want to see Cyborg Plus or Diminisher Plus.. In my opinion both have more to show than Solace or this Spectrum..
  6. About the ship though everyone seems to forget the plus ship also reflex damage back to the other player where the regular spectrum does not.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
  7. this is terrible like this is the worst plus ship yet. the ability is terrible. here is what you should have done with it
    16 or 17 lasers
    17 generator slots
    320 speed
    and make the ability comparable to the ability on the citadel plus

    the ability on the spectrum plus is worse then a regular spectrum other then the speed, the 2 extra generator slots this thing is terrible.
    i am a fan of the spectrum, always have been, but this is a horrible, horrible, horrible upgrade.
  8. You guys are missing the addition of the 'reflector' ability certain folks have had for *YEARS*

    Its hilarious that everything we see in outside apps eventually gets into the game. Im wating for the 'Conductor' ship that can group ships in the game to come out.

    Will be interesting to see it in 5-3
  9. AVIT

    AVIT User

    no one has faith in darkorbit anymore ,,you cant control the cheats in the game. most of the time it doesnt work . you bring out stupid + ships into the game .
    and you look for nice comments lmao ..
    get real admin the game gets worse and worse as time goes by .. its not under control .

    dont have any good feedback about this ship for you untill cheats are all stopped and you at least show that you are trying to stop it ..
  10. That ship needs a buff, original spectrum would win it in a fight
  11. test020

    test020 User

    ship stats for a plus ship isn't great especially on the laser/generator amount but the cost itself being light on uridium side seem to be the main take, usually plus ships cost lots of dumb new materials and about a million uridium, damage reflection seems to be good against choo choo's but i don't have the 500 IAC and 1000 diametrion, i do have a spectrum though and 15k uridium so building me a spec plus to test it will take a while.

    also why does spectrum plus has two giant laser looking things but it doesn't have lazor ability like that hecate ship does? it's a wasted opportunity since ships stealing skills from other ships is a thing the new dev has done, cita plus stealing old spectrum skill minus the laser debuff comes to mind and centurion skill designs too.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 28, 2023
  12. so it says in the forum here that the spc-spe01 mod can be equipped on the spectrum plus, well its not letting me equip it on mine. is this a glitch or is this an oversight. the mod is not even being highlighted in the hanger area like the other mods for the specrtum plus are
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  13. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    heres a thought concentrate on getting the game to run 24/7 instead of coming up with more and more crap,,,,,,,,,,,
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  14. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing the event feedback page as the new ship has been out for about a month now, thanks for providing your input. Feedback will be sent up to the game team.

    TermiteFan likes this.
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