First plus ship, 2024 edition

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by AvisitorHMMindeed, Nov 8, 2024.

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  1. Currently flying Cyborg. I also have Orcus but the way modules are earned is completely incompatible with me so I don't have any that make it worth using over Cyborg (and I don't have any for Cyborg!).

    I wanted Pusat Plus because fast, but maybe someone can change my mind. Ships I can get are: Goliath, Citadel, Solaris, Pusat, Spearhead and Spectrum.

    I am 100% pve player (on pve server), my config is 100% speed, 100% damage, 0 shields.

    My mod situation is as follows
    They are completely mid and nothing useful tbh, my singular Orcus mod after like 4 years on this server is 1% pvp damage and 14% laser accuracy. Modules are completely unhealthy addition to the game and players like me can't even get any (at least ok, not mentioning good) modules.

    My average pet heat level is 0, I don't use this feature at all so keep it in mind when you suggest goliath plus.

    So in short, should I just get Pusat Plus as I wanted or is other plus ship really more fun or better? To be honest I don't think any of them will outdo my damage right now in Cyborg, which is sad.
  2. Hi, for PVE the best ship is Solaris and Solaris Plus because of it's ability. I use Orcus only in BL maps. For Solaris you have also designs which increase your damage or your HP.
    AvisitorHMMindeed likes this.
  3. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Pusat Plus is paper thin. You can pick up some VP01 mods from galaxy gates to help start out.

    Solaris Plus is great for small aliens like prots. You need more modules for it though, but the good part is they can suck and you'll still get a free +12% dmg boost for having all 4 slots equipped. Besides Orcus, it can consistently hit the hardest as a result of its passive ability. If you're not in a rush, Feb event is usually good for Solaris Plus mods.

    Solace Plus has good sustain and an easy +15% npc dmg mod from the agatus event (DMG-NPC01). Immensely helpful for events.

    Goli Plus is a decent all-around ship. It looks like you've got a great HP mod so you can't really go wrong with it. I recommend this one the most as you've got modules for it. Just reroll the bad ones once or twice.
    AvisitorHMMindeed likes this.
  4. Looks like I've lucked out with rerolls, all for Goliath Plus:
    Blue reroll

    Red reroll

    Yellow reroll

    Yellow reroll
    I didn't reroll green one because 1) I couldn't afford it 2) It seems good already

    Is it worth burning pet fuel for bonuses from heat to myself in goliath plus?
    If I run one conf without shields, there's no point equiping blue module because all it does is give -1% accuracy, right?
    Is -4%/-5% accuracy noticeable? I have accuracy in pilot skills obviously but missing against aliens is annoying, especially when shooting expensive ammo.

    Haven't bought it yet, I want to be 200% sure I want it, it took a long time to gather resources.
  5. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Rerolling to +20% laser damage is incredibly lucky. A+ module right there.

    It's worth investing in your P.E.T. as you can get passive bonuses which add up. Fuel is really cheap, but just annoying to keep topped up so consider the CPU that auto buys fuel for you.

    On the no shield config yeah you won't need the blue mod. It won't really hurt either way because Electro-Optics maxed would still get you to 100% accuracy on aliens.
    AvisitorHMMindeed likes this.
  6. Yea I was surprised as well and these are low tier modules from events, not the main prize modules. Thank you for taking your time answering all questions!