Fix Goliath X and other ships

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by AvisitorHMMindeed, Nov 10, 2024.

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  1. [​IMG]

    So here on the attached image you can see on the left a Goliath X as it was introduced and as it is now, a ship introduced on 10th Darkorbit birthday, celebrating the game and bringing back iconic look of the most iconic ship.

    It seemed perfect, absolutely perfect, but something's off. It doesn't look the same, doesn't feel the same.

    On the right you can see a Goliath as it was back in the day, it's perfection. Would.

    So what went wrong? See back in the day, ships had 3 states of their look which were, as I losely remember, based in a way related to power and number of equipped lasers, 10 LF3s on Vengeance looked different than 10 MP4s on Vengeance.
    State 1 was weak, no visible lasers on the ship.
    State 2 was medium, few lasers visible on the ships, usually it was a pair of MP4s on the sides, sometimes also LF3 in the middle.
    State 3 was peak form, would, 4 MP4s on the sides and LF3 on the center was the rule, also rocket launchers were added to the ship models.
    It was glorious, absolute cinema.

    A couple of pics of state 3 ships

    And now State 2 for comparison


    And of course Goliath

    And finally State 1
    And the Goliath
    AND THERE IT IS, The Goliath X, finally found it.

    And that's where this post would end if not for a thing I stumbled upon when looking for old ships to present my point...

    The old skill designs that are now ships are broken too! They looked so much better compared to what we have now, just take a look!

    They look so much better in my personal opinion compared to now.
    And that goes further than that. New ships, the plus ships also are lacking visible lasers, in old darkorbit shots were actually coming from these visible weapons and they looked like weapons you could find in shop. Now shots are just spawning out of ship, no visible weapons. Mega lame.

    I'm not playing on 3d, it's ugly so idk if it's an issue on 3d.

    So in short: fix goliath x and old skill designs, give them their weapons back.