Fix it Or lose us

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ŁÁĞÏ™, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. Fix ya damn game or lose ya players.

    Simple as that.

    This is getting ridiculous, at the moment, i can't play, as soon as i shoot something, my FPS drops to 10. 2 weeks ago, I would hardly go below 50 FPS.

    Sort this rubbish out, its getting beyond a joke.

    5 years of playing, and this is what, I for one, get for it?

    utter joke.
  2. Totally agree m8 am still having this problem. Before this update never had a problem with this, anywhere with alot of npcs or ships, my ship keeps flashing and lagging me.

    I have tryed everything, but am am not seeing any answers as to why this is happening.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  3. I've even gone as far as changing the 2D clock speeds on my ATi card, doesn't improve anything, overclocked CPU, underclocked CPU (incase its a heat problem), increased RAM voltage, tried 6 browsers, did Windows Update, reinstalled multiple versions of Flash Player, tried onboard GPU instead of my HD5770.

    I'm also not seeing any issues which have arisen due to knew graphics drivers, flash versions, or browser versions.

    It has to be the way the game has had the Contact List added, thats the only thing which has changed.

    If its a player fault, I'll eat my hat.
  4. its always like this wen they put new things in Do lol but ok the MG and Fps ar new ist not Darkorbit Reloaded ist relogged
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  5. lagi do you rekon it could be to do with the sheild mechanics bio... like before ...if you see the screen shot i took today i have no ship on my map .... i sat to let npc sit round me ina circle formation and my ship flickerd then vasnished soon as my evasive bubble come into contact with the npc
  6. Just did a quick test using a noob pheonix account on Germany server.

    The FPS dropped by 20 with just streuners on screen in the middle of 1-1, and dropped by 30 FPS sat on base.

    And i configured my spacemap exactly the same as my GB1 account (bar the premium quick bar of course).

    I have been reading of some Graphics driver issues regarding the latest update of Flash Player. I am continuing to test drivers with flash and tweaks which I know which range from browsers to drivers.
  7. Ok, so I've made a change which involves disabling Core Parking (My OS Being Windows 8).

    This feature is a system of which unused Core's (Depending if your CPU is a multi-core CPU) within your CPU are put into a Sleep State.

    I disabled this feature, but then went from Firefox to Chrome and I am now getting a very stable game.

    I will continue to monitor this "Fix" and let everyone know if this keeps a steady FPS and smooth game-play experience.

    This feature may have been incorporated by Flash Player, Browsers, or Windows a recent update to any or one of those three possibilities.
  8. I was thinking same thing about it being a flash player problem so i have deleted it and went back to a previous version, it is working a lil better anyway so see how it goes.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you all for the wonderful information on ways your are using to work around lag issues.

    If you would like to create and FAQ that can be shared with the entire community, I will be happy to post that in the FAQ area and index, making sure to give you full credit for creation at the bottom.

    Again, thanks for the efforts
    Have a lovely day

    ASTRAEA User

    Well I will keep a watch for future posts on this..

    Thanks again