fix your damn game

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by •BUZDU•NUMBER•ONE•, Apr 2, 2023.

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  1. nothing works well in this game, 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, assembly freezes and crashes the page, bots are still rampant, and glitches for everything, if yall don't care about the game anymore why keep it on?
    AVIT likes this.
  2. What keeps you here? And before you ask, other than the bots issue, I don't run into the other things you mentioned.
  3. Although I do not get the 503 code error, assembly freezing up is a known issue and is also known not to be a fix yet, bot's keep growing in numbers by the day and yes the game glitches for me every time i jump also lags when i try to lock npc's at times.
    One more thing I have noticed is something is up on Sundays as sometimes the game is completely unplayable like game freezes when you enter a gate. I am sure the game team is aware of all these issues, why none of them are fixed or why are they having these issues.
    Well don't ask here or support as every time I have asked I get (We are not in direct chat with any devo's or programmers we can send it up to be looked into) And well that's as far as it ever goes!!!
    Just to let you know am not complaining just reassuring that just cause something doesn't happen to your account doesn't always mean it doesn't happen to others.
  4. makedonas2

    makedonas2 User

    guys what error 503 is?
  5. whenever you can't connect to the server , i mainly get it on global europe servers , never on global america servers, it's weird it just shows white with the message saying 503 and then after i delete cache it goes away, although sometimes it takes a couple of mins.
  6. True, I realize I am lucky to not see most issues, but when you say nothing works, I think of myself. If nothing worked for me, I put in a ticket. If nothing continues to work, then I move on. That is why I asked. Sorry your having the issues.
    The Red Baron likes this.