Flash Player Clearing and Optimizing FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    You will often hear us tell you to clear your Flash Player History and make sure its fully optimized for playing Dark Orbit. Below I will provide a step by step guide to the various ways you can do this:

    Step 1 Simplest way

    Step 1.1 Manual Delete in XP and Vista/Windows 7 (For more advanced users)
    Step 1.2 Manual Delete for Mac (For more advanced users)

    Step 2 Optimizing your Flash Player

    Final Step Double Checking Settings were done correctly

    /!\ Do not forget to also clear your Browser Cache! /!\

    Clearing Cache

    Thank you Carnage for your assistance with this thread
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
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    ASTRAEA User

    Simplest way.

    Step 1 Deleting History

    Goto the Adobe Flash Player web site by clicking the link bellow:


    You should now see the Adobe web site with various different options down the left hand side along with various other settings and information the bit we are interested in is the box that looks like this:


    As you will see from the above picture I have highlighted the section you
    should be in, to delete the history simply select the Delete all sites option and confirm, all your previous flash player history should now be deleted (it really is that simple).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    More Difficult way to clear your flash player history but more thorough.

    You can also do the above by clicking your start menu and putting the following in your search bar:

    windows 7/vista

    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects


    C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\

    Please remember to replace the [Username] with your login username.

    You will now see a folder called #sharedobjects open this folder by clicking it.

    Now open each folder in turn and delete the information contained within it or the entire folder itself.

    *Very important*

    If you clear your flash player history via this method, DO NOT delete anything that says settings, if you do so you will have to re-install your flash player plugin.

    ASTRAEA User

    MAC Users

    * Flash cookies are located in two locations, shown as follows:
    ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects

    ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/

    Note that ~ signifies the user home directory

    * You can navigate to these directories by using the Finder or by hitting Command+Shift+G and pasting the above location one at a time into the Go To Folder box and hitting “Go”

    * You’ll now see a directory with a bunch of randomly generated names like VDZJH1CX

    * Delete all of these folders if you want to delete ALL Flash cookies

    * Repeat with the other directory listed above to completely remove all Flash cookies

    ASTRAEA User

    Step 2 Optimizing the Flash Player

    Next we are going to allow as much space as possible for your flash player to store data. We would recommend that you set this to unlimited but the choice is entirely up to you.

    Please see the picture below.


    First select the folder tab (Global Settings) as highlighted in the picture above, next slide the arrow bar to as much or as little space as you wish the flash player to be allowed to use (In this instance the recommended settings of unlimited).

    Now tick the following boxes, Never ask again, Allow third-party Flash content to store data on your computer and Store common Flash components to reduce download times.

    You have now allowed flash player to store as much data as possible on your PC.

    All the other settings are purely personal choice but the two I have mentioned are the most important to improve your gaming experience.

    Please remember to carry out step one each and every time you are going to play the game or indeed as and when you start to experience problems within the game.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Double Checking Settings are correct

    If you wish to double check that the above has been successful login and load your game screen as usual now right click the space map and select settings (see below).


    Once selected you will now see this box, the amount of data allowed to be stored should now be displayed in the box below (in this case the recommended settings of unlimited).


    Please also note that clearing your browsing history or cache is not the same as clearing your flash player. For instructions on how to clear you cache please see this thread.

    >>>Clearing Cache<<<

    There are also many third party programs such as CCleaner that will do this for you. However when using such programs you do so at your own risk.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
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