Forgotten Username

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Jun 27, 2014.

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    ASTRAEA User

    When you log in to the Dark Orbit Website
    located in the top right of the screen, under the Log in area
    you will see a link for the forgot your user password.
    (As Shown below) Click on that Link


    This will open a new window:

    On the left is the Link " I forgot my user Name"
    Click this to proceed. (as shown below)


    Here you enter your Email address and the Captcha code so that the system can locate your account.


    The next window will direct you to check your registered email account
    for the information and further directions.
    (as shown Below)


    Once you go to your Email,
    you should recieve an email the looks Like the Sample below.
    In this Email the User Name will have a link to the Account
    or Account that you can access.
    Please click the link to the account to proceed.


    Once you have chosen the account and clicked the link
    A new window will pop up giving you the opportunity to
    request a forgotten password. (as shown Below)


    Email For Forgotten Password:

    At this point you will need to click the link and change the password.
    Once you have entered the new password in twice, you will receive a final email link confirming that you did actually make these changes to the account.

    *** If you are still experiencing issue recieving emails from attempting either of these functions please try Whitelisting you Email account for better performance or contact support.

    Please note... Members of the moderator or support team will NEVER ask you for your password. It is your responsibility to keep this information safe and secure.

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
    SauronL, -Corex- and Dashstroyer like this.
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