Formula for Counting PET Radar

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -[Gar*Fie*Ld]-, Aug 31, 2014.

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  1. Dear Users ,

    I'm studying Geodesy and I'm satissfied that I can give You this sort of Help . Sometimes , probably happened that You want to know Which ( how long ) distance will Your PET ( including or Disscluding protocols ) cover . After few days of considering this problem , I managed to discover mathematic Formula for these problems .

    ( My English is not perfect , but I think You'll be able to understand me )

    So lets start ,

    For easier counting , Pick one of the maps ( In this case I'll pick 5-3 , since I'm in it at the moment ) .

    Bottom left corner of map have coordinates ( 1 / 259 ) .
    Top right corner is ( 415 / 1 ) .

    You will see that these are coordinates from first and the last point of diagonal .

    By Math , distance between two points ( of known coordinates ) counts by this formula :

    D = sqrt[ ( x1 - x2 )² + ( y1 - y2 )² ]

    D -> Distance ( how long is diagonal or some line between two known points )
    x1,x2 -> X coordinates of first (x1) point , and second (x2) point .
    y1,y2 -> Y coordinates of first (y1) point , and second (y2) point .
    sqrt -> square root
    ² -> ^2

    How to pick up which coordinate is x , and which is y . Simple , just make an order by your desire . At first point , if left number represent coordinate X , at the second point , left number HAVE TO represent x coordinate , too .

    So at this case we have ,

    Point 1 : X1 = 1 , Y1 = 259
    Point 2 : X2 = 415 , Y2 = 1

    These coordinates are given in Meters . ( I picked up meters since they are familiar to most of you ) .

    If You enter these coordinates , numbers , in to our formule ( written above ) you will get your distance or length of diagonal :

    D = 487 , 811 m ; for easier counting we will take round ( integer ) of it so ;

    D = 500 , 000 m .

    And this was easy part , next part is toughest one , that I had to understood :
    Our PET gear , Resource collector is 3000 of something . And it is CENTIMETERS . So AR ( autoresource collector ) is :

    AR = 3000 cm = 30 m

    Now If you compare AR and D ( lenght of diagonal ) you will this ;

    AR / D = 1 / 16,667

    Integer ( for easier counting ) : AR / D = 1 / 17 .

    So if you take approximate distance , you will see that Your collector AR , WITHOUT PROTOCOLS , will cover 1 / 17 ( exactly 1 / 16,667 ) lenght of diagonal . And If you ping it to yourself of approximat distance on minimap , you will see it's the correct count .

    I hope You all understood me , and this will be helpfull to you next time you want to look for Refree Bot , or Icy or something , or collect palla .

    Best Regards ,

    -[Gar*Fie*Ld]- .

    Server : Global Europe
    Clan : [ CR ]
    Razz-Ma-Tazz and vsc99073 like this.
  2. Whoa whoa whoa...basic math is all you need here ;) No need to get complicated with sliced numbers. Some people can't balance their checkbook. All you need is 3 to 4 radar prots. And you'll be gettin' in no time.
  3. Wait Wait ... :) If you take pet Protocols in , you will need a much more then 3 , 4 of them to have some effect because on 30 m of your AR-C , you will get like 12 % ... it means 33,6 m ... :) it's not something ...
  4. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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