Forum Issues

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Seraphim, Aug 18, 2024.

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  1. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    The forum's been unstable lately. I'm having trouble accessing it and it throws a 504 error half the time. Haven't seen any announcement about what's being done to fix it. Can we get some info, please.
  2. hi i have few concerns,wer do i begin..back page going diffent shape and sizes,hanger keeps crashing,in game>theres like 100 intends no bethmoth not sure how im meant to even get close without poping to do any form of quests,npcs hitting me even when sat on port wen says dem zone ie safe zone...event with hitec i cant even lock it due to million botters on it the lag is outrages..other things god erm,,ban waves seem daft warning players then only the newer bots your targetting wat bout the 1s with stars and these massive citidels and plusd ships who literaaly botting 24 7/// sory guys girls over 12 years its a working progress isnt it bout time you helped the honest players out and made it fair ...i love the game when smooth clearing cache and so on does nothing on a high end gaming machine the client needs upgrading fast ...thankyou for listening i and many hope to see some big game improvements really soon your professional programmers com on sort it pls
  3. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Forum's still unstable. No word on anything yet. Took ages to log on.