Forum VS Discord

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by xGEMINIx-[GUN]-[ҒΛŁŁ], Jan 30, 2025.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. so we all know that on us2 server that its been messed up for weeks, according to this msg am going to post they dont know much of it because the forums are not being looked at, as we all notice the mods that use to flourish on our forums have long been depleted, so to get the game working well we need to send tickets from now on.

    Saimon — Today at 7:55 AM
    @everyone There are complaints about lags in our game. Please be aware that all kind of problems need to be reported via our support ticket system so that we can sort out the reports properly. Please do not forget to describe your problem in detail (like which server you're playing on, which version - Unity or Flash - you're using, what exactly happens with which actions and at what time the problem appears. Our game team is investigating the issues since the first complaints appeared and each support ticket helps for investigation. Please also be aware that the official communication channels are our forums and Discord is only for exchange between players. That our dear moderator team is here and helping you with advice is just an additional service but cannot replace the official support tools that we're working with. So if any help is needed, please write an official support ticket. Thank you
    gabismut and .-señor_dark11-. like this.
  2. gabismut

    gabismut User

    It takes over 20 minutes just to make a config