Forums Avatar

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 20, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Forums Avatar
    To change the avatar:

    1. Open the profile page with clicking on the “[Nickname]” on the top of the forums: (As shown Below in Pink)

    Forums Avatar 1.png

    then click on“Avatar”

    2. Upload the picture which will be used as avatar

    3. Click on “Okay”

    To delete the existing avatar

    1. Open the profile page with clicking on the “[Nickname]” on the top of the forum,

    Forums Avatar 2.png

    then click on“Avatar”

    2. Mark the box “Delete current avatar”

    3. Click on “Okay”

    Please note ***

    Avartars are a personal choice for the users of the fourms but are still subject to the forum guidelines and rules.

    The following are not acceptable:
    • Sexual Content
    • Racial content
    • Drug Reference
    • Visually or Verbally offensive.
    • Advertising
    We want you to enjoy the use of the forums, keeping in mind that you are part of a community of Dark Orbit users and we want a clean and safe forums for all.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
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