Forums - Make a New Thread

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Dec 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Forums - How to make a New Thread

    When Creating a thread you begin by going to the main forums and choosing a Main topic area. ( As Shown Below)

    Make thread 1.png
    *** Please note that some areas are not available for members to post in such as: Headquarters Area, FAQ areas, Descriptions/ Glossaries and Archives.

    Once you have chosen a section, at the top you will see a button that reads, Post New Thread. This is also located at the bottom. (As shown below)

    Make thread 2.png

    Once you have click Post new thread, a window will open that lets you begin creating your new thread. (As Shown Below)

    make thread 3.png

    Three basic things for creating a thread.
    1. Title your Thread - Please make sure this follows the forum guidelines.
    2. Thread Content - This is the text area and should also follow the forums guidelines.
    3. Click Create Thread.
    Addition features:

    Upload File - Here you can upload an image to your post.
    Preview - Here you can see the Post before it is actually posted on the forums for all to view.

    Enhance Text Features - More information on these can be found in Text Feature FAQ.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
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