Forums - User Preferences

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Dec 15, 2013.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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    ASTRAEA User

    Here in the Dark Orbit forums you have many new options and or preference that you can set to customize your forums experience.
    Let’s get started:
    Below are Quick Links to assist you in this area.

    Personal Details
    Contact Details
    Alert Preferences
    People You Follow
    People You Ignore (Not currently Available)
    Log Out

    Your Alerts
    Your News Feeds
    Likes you’ve Received
    Watched Threads
    Watched Forums

    View Conversations

    In Forums toolbar you when you are logged in. Locate your Nickname in the top right. (As shown Below)

    getting started 1.png

    Hover your mouse over your Nickname and you will see another window pop up. (As shown below)

    getting started 2.png

    This will show you the options of the areas you can make changes to. Choose anyone to get started.

    If you click on your Nickname it will take you directly to the Personal Details Area.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Personal Details -
    In this area you have 5 options of information that you can share with the community. Please know that any information you choose to share is a choice and not mandatory.
    (As shown Below)

    1. Status Message: Here you can leave a message about your status.
    (Please keep this within the forums guidelines)

    2. Avatar: You can Change your avatar to suit your personality.
    (Please keep this within the forums guidelines)

    3. Gender: You have the option of letting the community know if you are Male,female or Unspecified to keep that information private.

    Date of Birth: Here you can show when you were born. You do however have the option of only showing the Day and Month, or just the Year.

    4. Location & Occupation: You can tell the community what City, State or Country you are playing from. As well as your occupation.

    5. About You: This area is any information about you that you would like to share. (Please keep this within the forums guidelines)

    personal details 1.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User


    In this area you have the options of adding a custom signature that you can share with the community. (As shown Below)

    Please keep this within the guidelines, for more information please look at the Signature FAQ

    To add a signature you can use the Upload feature (as seen in Pink)
    or you can add your own URL from a hosted site in the text area.

    Edit signature.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Contact Details

    In this area you have the options of share with the community multiple ways of contacting you. (As shown Below)

    Warning: Sharing your personal information is at your own risk, and is your responsibility.

    contact details.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User


    In this area you have 4 options of information that you can adjust to whom you share your information in the community with.
    (As shown Below)

    1. Online Status – Shows when you are logged in to the forums and what page you are currently viewing.

    2. Date of Birth Privacy – As this allows people to see your age. You may choose to show only the Day and month, or just the year.

    3. People who may…
    This area allows you to change who can see the following :
    a. View details on Profile Page.
    b. Post messages on Profile Page.
    c. Receive your News Feeds
    (You can change to one of the following: All visitors, Members Only, People you follow only.)

    4. View your Identities- Here you can change who you allow to see your contact Details. (You can change to one of the following: All visitors, Members Only, People you follow only.)


    Always remember to click save changes when making any changes in this area.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User


    This area is the Browsing Preferences area and you have 3 options to edit that will customize your forums experience. (As shown Below)

    1. Locale / Local - This are option has 2 options available.
    a. Language – Here you can choose the language in which you prefer to see the forums in.
    b. Time zone – This is so you can place the time zone for the area in which you are located.
    2. Options- This area give you the option to alter how you view the forums.
    a. Automatically watch threads you create or when you reply.
    b. Use the rich text editor to create and edit messages.
    c. Use flash uploader to upload attachments.
    d. Show peoples signatures with their messages.
    e. Show your online status.​

    3. Notices –
    Restore dismissed notices. This option will allow you to restore previously dismissed noticed.


    Please remember to always click save changes when you make any change in this area.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Alert Preferences

    This area you can alter what messages you receive as alerts. (As Shown Below)
    You can edit the following areas:

    1. Messages in threads:
    a. Replies to a watched thread: Will notify you when a reply is made on a thread you are watching.
    b. Attaches a file: Will notify you when someone replies and adds an attachment to a thread you are watching.
    c. Quotes your Message: Will notify you when someone quotes you in a thread.
    d. Tags you in a Message: Will notify you when someone tags you in a thread.
    e. Likes your Messages: Will notify you when someone tags you in a thread.​
    2. Messages on Profile Page:
    a. Posts on your Profile: Will notify you when someone posts a message on your Profile Page.
    b. Comments on your Profile or Status: Will notify you when someone posts a comment on your Profile Page or your status.
    c. Comment on your Profile post for another member: Will notify you when someone posts a comment on your Profile Page or your status.
    d. Also Comments on a Profile Post: Will notify you when someone posts a comment on a profile you have previously commented on.
    e. Likes your profile Post: Will notify your when someone likes a message left on a members profile post.​

    3. Achievements:
    a. New Follower: Will notify you when someone starts following you.
    b. New Trophy: Will notify you when you have been awarded a new trophy for passing a milestone.​

    alert pref.png

    Always remember to click save changes when any changes are made in this area.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    People You Follow

    In this area you will see a list of the people who you are currently following on the forums.
    (As Shown Below)

    You can use the search feature to locate members on the forums that you would like to follow.

    On each member that you follow there is a button to the right called unfollow. When using this option that particular member will remove them from your list.

    people you follow.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    People You Ignore (Not currently Available)

    More information will be added if and when this may come available.

    ASTRAEA User


    This feature will log you out of the Forums and take you back to the main page. (As seen Below)


    Please note that this will not log you out of the game, just the forums.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User



    To see your Alerts look in the main forums bar, it is far right just past your name. You will know you have Alerts when you see a number next to the word Alerts. (As shown Below)

    alerts 1.png

    When you click on the Word Alert in the upper right corner. It will open the current Alerts for your forums account. (As shown Below)

    alerts 2.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User


    This area will notify you when someone has answered on a post or a member that you are followings thread.

    When you are Not following anyone this will not produce any feeds. (As Shown Below)

    news feed 1.png

    When you are following Threads or members it will give you notifications. (As Shown Below)

    news feed 2.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Likes you’ve Received

    This area will notify you when others in the forums community like a Post or thread that you have created. (As Shown Below)

    likes you recieved.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User


    In this area it will show threads that you have choosen to watch and what players are posting on that thread. This is so that you can go back and read or respond to their posts. (As Shown Below)

    At the Top left it will read in Yellow - "Unread Watched Threads".

    watched threads.png
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Watched Forums

    To watch a forums, select the area in which you want to watch, I've chosen the Technical Area. In that area on the right you will see Watch Forums. (As shown Below)

    watched forums 1.png

    When you click the Watch Forums, you will recieve a secondary window which will give you the option to customize for your preference.

    watched forums 2.png

    When watching a forums you do have the option of getting an alert when something new is added to that forums area. (As shown Below)
    watched froums 3.png

    As shown Above you will see that we are in the area Watched Forums, and we are watching the Technical Issues.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User



    In this area you can view conversations that you are currently having with other members of the forums community.

    This area will allow you to have one on one conversations with other members of the forums. (As Shown Below)


    As this is a New forums, we are still working out the bugs on how to start a conversation in a safe manner. This will be updated soon.

    Thank you for your patience.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015

    ASTRAEA User


    Here you can change your Forums Account Passord.
    (As Shown Below)


    Please Note that this area will not change the password on you player account - Only here in forums.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
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