Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AmnesiaULTIMATETANKE, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. So I am not sure why my FPS is always at 20 and below. Is there a way to keep it high above at least 45 throughout my game play? I watch videos of dark orbit pvp and I see over 25 players with no lag, super great quality, and extremely high resolution. I said to myself "Well why can't I have that type of game play and FPS". Game play doesn't really matter but I don't want to lag during pvp or shooting 30 aliens that are around me. IS it because servers are getting laggier or my FPS can never boost up. I will list the things I tried to boost it up.

    - Task Manager to close down programs
    - Uninstalling programs I don't use
    - Using Task Manager to set priority to "high"
    - Marcomedia to optimize flash player, deleted storage, unlimited data
    - Always watch my wifi bars " 5 full bars every day "
    - AdBlocker to wipe out ads
    - Tested full screen and non-fullscreen
    - Turned EVERYTHING to off in settings except (Bonus boxes, drones, and 3-6 more things were on)*
    - Check to see what my speed for wifi is, and it's good.
    - Using firefox so I exit out my dark orbit main page (tab) and play in-game without it.( unless, if I have to login I would just open another tab and login )
    - Cleaned disk storage
    - Defragged the CRAP out of my pc
    - Tried restoring the computer over 3 times
    - Used Google chrome, safari, Opera, Firefox (Firefox works best but still has major lags in pvp battle with over 20 players and shooting lasers)
    - Always check my RAM because I am using COMPAC, Windows 7, VISION AMD, PREMIER EXPERIENCE laptop.
    - No dust inside laptop or on the surface
    - Check computer's health and it's 100% healthy (APSOLUTELY NO VIRUSES)
    - No recording
    - No other games running, only dark orbit
    - Catalyst runs sometimes and then I shut it down to test and see if it would speed up browsing gaming
    - tried every single browser as said above and only firefox meets my compatibility
    - Tried switching resolutions 800X to 1320X all resolutions
    - Disabled volume
    - Disabled lots of other stuff with firewall blocker and control panel
    - Tried messing with the Firefox setting and did nothing to them because I was scared the I might mess everything up
    - Tried Dark Orbit support help desk, same answer from administrators
    - Clear flash storage

    And this all EQUALS too ------------> STILL LAG

    So this pretty much worries me. Just look at this video it's FANTASTIC ITS PERFECT!

    AND look at my video!

    Compare these two videos in separate tabs ( Like-split screen ) and look at the differents. If there are any tips except the ones above the I have tried, please comment them because I really need the help!
  2. Or you can build a high end computer like I did and get 60 - 120 FPS. I have two computers. One is built for games like BF4 and Call of Duty Ghosts another is barely able to play Flash player games with a pentium Core.

    Only reason why Darkorbit lags for slower PCs is because its on a browser + have just as much connection traffic as a high end MMO like WoW or Aion. Browsers are not completely meant to handle this much without a boost of a good CPU that can handle all the processes. Darkorbit uses alot of memory as well. So adding RAM can help. Playing Darkorbit takes about 1 gb of ram to process. Which is just as much as WoW or Aion and Battlefield.

    Good internet connection + being close to the server will solve delays and a good CPU will handle the so called "graphic" issues people get.

    Browsers can make a huge difference. Chrome is no longer my choice for Darkorbit. IE has too many security features that you need to disable to solve problems.

    Everyone's situation different. I play with Waterfox. 64 bit browser and I use SrWare Iron.

    Most of your ideas are a temporary fix. Few days of playing will bring yourself back to square one.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Try these things:

    1. Turn background off
    2. If you have youtube or ANY OTHER TAB OPEN OTHER THAN DARK ORBIT, close them
    3. Turn drones off
    4. Close all other windows
    Just a little side note, I have been experiencing lag recently also. More than usual, so it could be something on DO's end. I can play LOL with perfect quality and no lag, but as soon as I turn on DO, I start lagging.
  4. Will this truly work? You haven't been experiencing any lag at with those settings? I might try it.
  5. get a better computer ... if it plays crisis 3 at ultra high... then your good for darkorbit its all my advice... cuz i got a 12 ram nvidia 560m graphics and good internet connection and it wont do it for this game so try that you would need approximately 1000 dollars good luck
  6. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I still experience lag, but the difference is HUGE. Pretty much, if you don't need it, don't leave it on. No one needs the backgrounds turned on, and it actually makes it 100 times easier to see the mini map. Youtube takes up internet, any music streamer in fact, so if you are going to listen to music, do it on an iPod or pre downloaded songs on your computer. And by turning off drones, you get less things on the screen, which makes less lag.
  7. Yes you were right! It does a little boost even though I lag. But it speeds up the FPS just a little bit and I have been able to get 18- around 50 or so. That's great. Thanks though! I'm just looking towards the future to get my FPS to stay around 40 - 120
  8. What about changing my laptop drives getting the pentium core on installed. Or maybe, do I really need to build a computer? I could do it but I wonder if I can switch out drives in my laptop.
  9. burkey

    burkey User

    A big difference is turning the drones off and background, changing settings from all High to a few low (i.e. who needs spinning resources and boxes...?!), and also make sure you don't have any other flash player running (i.e. dont leave back page on Galaxy Gate screen) else you'll have two "active" flash player instances sharing the FPS.

    I do this and get 60-61 FPS pretty much all the time (except when fighting a certain MMO player on the GB1 server!!)
  10. Make sure your motherboard can handle the changes.

    I would say have a computer with at least 4 GB of ram. A Quad core. Pentium I believe is only a DUO core. Might need alittle more.

    My Gaming Rig uses 8 cores, 16 GB of ram and a high end Graphics card. So playing Darkorbit will never be a problem. Never lag because my computer can handle all the processes and the 1 gb of ram DO uses won't even use up 20% of my memory.
  11. So maybe I should get Pentium with 4-6 GB right? Or natural Quad Core because if I get pentium, like you said "might need alittle more" than maybe Quad Core with 8-12 would work. I agree with your point of view, in any other case what type of graphic card should I use for Quad Core?
  12. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Just a suggestion, but I personally wouldn't be spending hundreds of dollars for a single game. Make sure you have some other practical uses for all this added hardware :)
    bisphenol likes this.
  13. TBH, a browser game like Darkorbit shouldnt be a pick for a reason to upgrade your computer.

    I only have this setup because I play high end games on max quality.

    I would say, to play Darkorbit on minimum settings. 1 gb of ram is needed and any 2 core processor. For max settings. I say 4 gb of ram and a quad core such as Intel 2.

    But like I said, you need to do some research on what your computer is capable of running and upgrading to. Your motherboard may not support more than 2 gb of ram or have the right socket or the correct chipset for a quad core processor. Best just buy a new computer if you dont know what you are doing
  14. DarkOrbit uses Flash which utilizes only one core of your CPU. Doesn't matter if you've got the world's fastest graphics card - if your CPU is bad, your game-play will be bad.

    Laptops have bad processors in comparison to desktop processors. Get a PC with a decent process (Intel Core i5 processors aren't bad, but I'm more of an AMD guy so I'd get a top-end processor from them for a bit more).

    4GB RAM should be plenty to run DO. Anything more isn't required, although can be useful if you run other applications - which you probably do. Building a PC solely for DO is a bit... naive.

    I'm tired. Excuse the rambling.

    *goes back to work*

    EDIT: I made a typo. :(
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
    bisphenol and cupu.gan~thd1 like this.
  15. burkey

    burkey User

    I thought flash player could only use a single core? I have a dual core i3, 4gb DDR ram and a 1gb graphics card. I get 60 FPS pretty much always, if I run via chipset graphics i get between 30 and 60 depending on what's happening on space map.
  16. i3 is one of the top 3 types of intel cores so it. i3, i5 and i7. My computer has a i7.

    Yes flash only requires one core but multithreading and running the multiple processes you have in your background may require more.
  17. My Compaq Laptop is running 2 GB of Ram but ( 1.60 GB usable ). My processor is AMD E-300 APU with Radeom(tm) HD Graphics 1.30 GHz. My rating is 3.4 but I don't know if thats good or bad. This system is running 64-bit operation. But mostly I am focused on the RAM. What about a gaming computer. They say it used 6-12 GB for games but I have no idea if it's for browser Flash MB as well. Is there a gaming computer that will run browser flash MB on it or the regular gaming computer can do both run PC game GB and browser Flash MB.
  18. .D1™

    .D1™ User

    I think this link in the forums may help you a little with your problems. How do I reduce the lag in my game?

    If this doesnt help you can propably google the web for a good solution. Some solutions I have seen here have been right on the money. VintageAion has made some pretty good and sound suggestions.
  19. Hmm... I already tried some of this except maybe ccleaner and disabling microphone. Thanks though. I find CCleaner to be very useful for almost everything. I am going to download it anf try to get a free serial.
  20. I think this should do it for now. I am going to be planning to buy me a gaming pc with pentium core and 6 - 14 GB of RAM. But for the exact amount, I am thin king of 8 GB RAM. Well that's pretty much it. Thanks guys for all your help. Forum admin may close.