Frost Centurion

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by evve1, Dec 16, 2022.

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  1. evve1

    evve1 User

    There is no speed in Frost Centurion or these +8 in speed with the design.
  2. evve1

    evve1 User

    Now I've tested back and forth with tyrannos centurion and frost centurion. Tyrannos speed is 475 when i switch to frost it drops to 465 ??? It must also be +8 in speed.Which it isn't.
    Can someone explain.
  3. Tyrannos has boosts that other designs don't have!!!
  4. evve1

    evve1 User

    Not speedboost. Which Frost has or should have.
    Which you can read on info about your ship and design.
    Good to know if someone sends up for correction, bug, or if it is support that applies.
  5. Frost is just a design has no stats where does it say it has stats please post link?
  6. evve1

    evve1 User

    Look at the purchase page where you can buy the frost design.
    Inside the hangar with ship and design info is the following for the centurion quotes "Frost centurion is shrouded in a chilly mist and comes with increased speed (+8) allowing you to escape enemies with ease"
    Tyrannos quotes " Tyrannos centurion has the following abilities : 10% extra damage and 10% higher hit chance for lasers and rockets
  7. So you don't know how to post the link?
  8. evve1

    evve1 User

    And you're too lazy to look yourself
  9. I did earlier now the post is gone and when I looked there wasn't anything about any stats but ok you want to be like that help your self
  10. evve1

    evve1 User

    then you can write that you did it rather than turn around, so thank you.
    I have copied the text from the hangar!! but you can't post that print here with a picture
    then DO can answer here why they removed that info if you don't see it and why I have it.
  11. evve1

    evve1 User

    I am looking for a Team leader DO

    My ID: 166397564
  12. evve1

    evve1 User

    Yes, the support will take a look inside my account and read the information for info on ships and designs. Copied the picture and what is written there but it cannot be inserted here.
    Otherwise, can you tell me how to do it?
    Because you don't seem to believe me and why bother here otherwise.
    Wanted some help as it is obviously something that is crazy.
  13. Copy and paste the https link at the top of the page when you find the post.
    Ok i found what you are looking at in ship sales where you can purchase the frost design it says +8 to speed for these designs right, well if you look up where i posted centurion designs it has +15 speed so centurion is faster by +7 speed.
    A little more info when posting sales would be best from DO.
    Hope this helps you understand. Cheers
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
  14. evve1

    evve1 User

    The info I have was when I bought the Frost what was written about it in the purchase. No link. Otherwise I would never have bought it. If you then go into the hangar and look and read the info about the design, it says exactly what I have already written. I would have liked to be able to post a picture from my hangar with the design and what it says.
    That's probably why they don't answer here as the support is connected now.
    Send me an email address and I'll send the picture there...
  15. I see it if you go to purchases where you bought it the stats show there but Tyrannos centurion is still faster speed than frost.
    If you want to see if the stats work take all designs off check your speed them put the design on and check speed then.
    evve1 likes this.
  16. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing this thread as you have contacted support. Please continue your interaction with support.
    TermiteFan likes this.
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