Frozen Labrynth

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by OldManPown, Jan 3, 2023.

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  1. OldManPown

    OldManPown User


    PVE server

    so heres my issue. you threw everyone new into this server. worldwide. i have no issues with the gate being closed for 2 hours at a time but i have 5 min to get in that gate before it closes for 8 hours after i get home. by the time its open i am in bed. i work threw the day. these things should be fair to all. it is not.. i have put every minute i can into this and im afraid that it will shut down thursday and i wont be able to complete it so i have not yet bought the battle pass. can you tell me how much time i have left and please think about this in the future. I am in central canada.

    not asking for anything just that you consider time zones for future battle pass events

  2. Frozen Labyrinth
    General information
    The DarkOrbit Winter Event is back! Can you catch the elusive Synk and avoid the pesky Iceterion in the Frozen Labyrinth? All while holding back the endless flood of Black Light aliens!
    Take part in the Frozen Labyrinth, a massive multiplayer treasure hunt, and traverse your way through the maze to reach the Boss NPC! Earn amazing rewards!
    The Frozen Labyrinth Gate can be accessed at the following times (Local Server Times):
    o Monday-Friday: From 07:00 to 09:00 (2 hours), from 10:00 to 14:00 (4 hours), from 17:00 to 19:00 (2 hours) and from 21:00 to 23:00 (4 hours)
    o Saturday and Sunday: From 08:00 to 10:00 (2 hours), from 11:00 to 13:00 (2 hours), from 15:00 to 19:00 (4 hours) and from 21:00 to 23:00 (2 hours)
    The Frozen Labyrinth can be accessed from X-1 maps and this gate which can be found in X-1 doesn’t require a Labyrinth Key to enter.
    On all Frozen Labyrinth maps, PvP is disabled. At any one point, only one Synk – which is the Frozen Labyrinth Boss NPC– will be spawned in the whole Frozen Labyrinth Map system. In the center of every Frozen Labyrinth Map there’s a gate that brings to back to your home map in X-1.
    When you enter the Frozen Labyrinth, there are 3 base Labyrinth maps (Atlas A, Atlas B, Atlas C) and each player will be randomly sent to one of these 3 maps. Each map will spawn NPCs and/or loot boxes with a chance to get Labyrinth Keys to explore further into the Frozen Labyrinth.
    The whole Labyrinth contains 16 maps which are interlaced with each other. In addition, each map has different zones and gates that are interconnected. Every gate that is placed within the Frozen Labyrinth will require a Labyrinth Key to access it (excluding the center gate that brings you back to your home map). Use them during the event because at the end of the event, all unused Labyrinth Keys will be removed!
    Each of the different zones in the Frozen Labyrinth maps are spawning different Frozen NPCs that should be shot down to get a reward package. In those reward packages, you have the chance to get Labyrinth keys as well as other attractive items.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Winter event starts on Thursday, 22nd December at 10 am (LST) and it runs until 5th January at 23.59 (LST).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be happy that you are busy with other things in real life, be alive and healthy for many years since sunny Bulgaria!!!

    +++ Winter event runs until 6th January +++ Due to some issues that we had yesterday with NPC spawning after our sync, we decided to extend the winter event by one day. The end date of the event will be 6th January at 23.59 (LST).
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 6, 2023
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