GA1=Game client won't connect-Is anyone able to get into it?

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by 1taffy1, Dec 28, 2024.

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  1. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    I've contacted support, but I'm asking anyone who plays on GA1 if they can/can't get in, please.

    I've been trying over an hour now and the game client still isn't connecting.
    Is anyone else on GA1 able to connect and get into the game? Thanks.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 28, 2024
  2. i cant open start page in GB1 :(
  3. kona-king

    kona-king User

    same on USA East. Ok it's 9:15 am EST and nothing. oh hum
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
  4. Nkuyu

    Nkuyu User

    ...same on Global...jeez!
  5. [​IMG]
    It's like that everywhere...
  6. impatient people :p
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a likes this.
  7. What else is new?
  8. I hope they remember to fix and Skylab
  9. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    It came back after two hours of not connecting, only to freeze and not reconnect again today in FL at 8:20 EST, not sure of LST.
  10. Dark Orbit, when we all are disconnect
    Dark Orbit, come on, stand up and wait
    Dark Orbit, when the feeling of futility
    Dark Orbit, is the feeling of the pain, yeah.