[GA3] Gunners [ĐΞΔ¹] [ĐΞΔ¹]

Discussion in 'Clans' started by ЦΠÐΣRCØVΣR™, Oct 17, 2015.

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  1. Tag/Clan name:[ĐΞΔ¹] [ĐΞΔ¹]Gunners
    Founding date:30.09.2015
    Clan leader:•TØKYØ•[EINS]
    Number of members:5
    Clan rank:126
    Company affiliation:All
    Tax rate:0% (0 Credits)
    Recruiting Status:Recruiting (Level 16+)
    Clan Text:"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"

    For more further details contact me in game,cheers.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
  2. Hello ЦΠÐΣRCØVΣR™

    I have edited and fixed your topic info as previously it was not matching specifications for posting in this section.
  3. I like the clan text it sound honorable too bad i play on US west
    ЦΠÐΣRCØVΣR™ likes this.
  4. Thank you :)
  5. Hahaha thanx,if you ever want to play in GA3 you have a plane in my clan :)

    ΞMPЯΞSS User

    shame you didn't add that your quote was by the great prime minister , Sir Winston Churchill !!!!
  7. An MCC clan that is honourable, ya right...............