Galactic Strife Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Apr 12, 2023.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    i feel for you m8 ,but it actually says a higher chance of affecting (meaning in their terms of it fitting those ships) its crap i know ((

    In my opinion this game needs a completely new rework ..ships modules to give exactly what it says with no random chance of it fitting or its values i advantages.

    ALL botters to be banned from the games data base completely as they have broken the games terms and conditions .

    A new development team that acknowledges botting is a major problem and responds accordingly to it . the list does go on ..
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
  2. got killed today 16 times in a row from same clan and never got no protection it's all a big joke.
    yeah it's real fair play to get attacked by 20 or so guys all taking shots killing you all taking points yeah when you have a life DO isn't the game for you !!!
  3. The 2 player damage missions were way too high. I had 90 kills and still didn't complete the first one.
  4. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing as feedback has been sent up
    TermiteFan likes this.
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