Galactic Strife FAQ – 09-2024

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Malaikat, Sep 10, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    General information
    It’s time for an all-out PvP battle! Battle and win to gain Reputation, climb the ranks and get rewards during the Galactic Strife event.

    In the beginning of the event, all players start with a Reputation score of 500. Whenever you win or lose in PvP battles, your Reputation will be affected. Your aim is to get the highest Reputation score in your server! But be aware that winning against the same player repeatedly in a short time span will lead to lower gains in reputation points.

    Benefit from the Reputation bonus that is granted for the first 10 unique player kills of the day!
    There are several Reputation Milestones to aim for! You will be rewarded with a reward package for reaching each milestone (one per milestone).

    Take advantage of the different Fever Effects during selected hours each day! Enjoy boosts to ships and free repairs at your base or at the nearest gate if your ship is destroyed on Galactic Strife maps.

    Collect the Galactic Strife Battle Pass Keys that you can exchange into your favorite rewards!

    Please note:
    In order to participate in the Galactic Strife event, you are required to be at least Level 8.

    The event will also take place on the PvE server, even though it is a PvP event. Here’s how it works:
    • If you’re playing on the PvE server, you will also be able to enter the Galactic Strife maps.
    • The Galactic Strife maps only consist of 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4.
    • Map 4-5 is not included!

    If you enter a Galactic Strife map via jump gate or by using the Jump CPU, you spawn randomly on the map. The Spawn area will not be in the radiation zone.

    Entering a Galactic Strife map from another Galactic Strife map will also spawn you randomly on the map. Exiting the Galactic Strife map will return you to the gate position like normal.
    Respawning on the spot after death will work as usual (you will not get shuffled).

    Every player will be respawned and shuffled every 30 minutes! This shuffling will occur on all Galactic Strife maps (4-1 to 4-4) and for all players within that Galactic Strife map. This shuffling will randomly change the Galactic Strife map – you will be moved to a random eligible Galactic Strife map instead of a different position. The PvP protection will be activated for 5 seconds after you are shuffled.

    You may view the time left until the next shuffle in the Galactic Strife Event Window tab.
    On galactic Strife Maps, a countdown will also appear at the top of the screen and in the Log when a shuffle is about to occur soon.

    PvP Protection
    To avoid spawn kills, the PvP Protection works like this: The PvP protection will be on for 5 seconds after spawning in a Galactic Strife map or when you are shuffled.

    If you leave and enter another Galactic Strife map or shoot another player during the 5 seconds, PVP protection will be removed!

    If you died 3 times in a row within 60 minutes inside a Galactic Strife map, PvP protection will be activated for 60 minutes. If you have PvP protection and you die and revived in a Galactic Strife map, you will still have your PvP protection on. This PVP protection will not apply if you die on non-Galactic Strife maps!

    Please note that only players who have level 17 and below can get a PvP protection. When under PvP protection, you cannot be attacked by other players unless you attack someone else first or if you re-enter a Galactic Strife map.

    The PvP protection only gets removed if:
    • PvP duration has ended
    • You exit a Galactic Strife map and go to a non-Galactic Strife map
    • You shoot other players

    Reputation System
    In the beginning of the event, all players start with a Reputation score of 500. Whenever you win or lose in PvP battles, your Reputation will be affected. Your aim is to get the highest Reputation score in your server! The Reputation rank will remain below the players’ name during the event on all maps.

    Reputation can only be increased / decreased while fighting on Galactic Strife Maps: 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4. If an opponent shot the player and left the Galactic Strife Map, it’s possible for the opponent to get reputation if the player died on the Galactic Strife Map.

    The smaller the difference in reputation between you and your opponent, the more reputation you can gain! If the difference in Reputation is too large, it is possible you do not gain any points. Reputation gain also depends on the amount of damage dealt to the losing opponent. If you deal too little damage, it is possible to not gain any Reputation.

    The reputation will be calculated like the following:
    • If a damage dealer deals less than 15% of the total damage, they will not get points.
    • The reputation difference between the eligible attacker with the highest reputation and the reputation of the losing player determines the:
      • Points lost for the losing player.
      • Total reputation points pool that can be gained for all attackers.
      • In the event that the attacker with the highest reputation did not deal the minimum 15% damage, the next highest eligible reputation player will be used instead.

    • Total reputation points pool:
      • The points gained per attacker will be split based on their damage contribution.
      • An example with multiple opponents:
        • Attacker A (reputation = 1000) deals 50% damage to E
        • Attacker B (reputation = 900) deals 20% damage to E
        • Attacker C (reputation = 800) deals 20% damage to E
        • Attacker D (reputation = 700) deals 10% damage to E (Not eligible)
        • Losing Player E (reputation = 600)
        • The total points gained for A, B, C, and D is determined based on the reputation difference between A and E (600 - 1000 = -400; Total points pool = 60 points.
        • The 60 points gained will be divided between each attacker based on their damage dealt.
        • Please note that if this reputation difference is too large, it is possible that the total points gained can be 0 for all attackers (and it will still affect your Reputation per Kill rank!)

    • The eventual points gained/loss will now be:
      • Attacker A gains 60 * 50% = 30 points.
      • Attacker B gains 60* 20% = 12 points.
      • Attacker C gains 60* 20% = 12 points.
      • Attacker D gains 0 points due to non-eligibility.
      • Losing Player E loses 60 points.

    • Please note that numbers mentioned above are only an example to explain the system and are not accurate to the actual reputation awarded.
    Targeting the same player repeatedly also reduces the Reputation gained each time you win. The number of times you win against the same player within a day will be tracked and added to the reputation points calculation.

    The time span is reset at 00:00 LST each day.

    For example:
    • Player A kills Player B in a PvP fight entirely by himself at day 1 (00:01)
      • Player A’s value of “Consecutive Player Wins” against Player B equals 1
      • Player A gains the full reputation gained from killing Player B
    • In the next hour, Player A kills Player B again
      • Player A’s value of “Consecutive Player Wins” against Player B equals 2
      • Player A only earns half the reputation gained from killing Player B again
    • Player A kills Player B in a PvP fight entirely by himself at day 2 (00:01)
      • Player A’s value of “Consecutive Player Wins” against Player be is reset and equals 1 again
      • Player A earns the full reputation gained from killing Player B
    • Winning against the same player repeatedly in a short time span will lead to lower gains in reputation points.
    • The more opponents that are targeting the same player, the less points will be gained for each attacker.

    Clan vs Clan:
    Attackers don’t receive points when they kill players from the same clan and players killed by others from the same clan also do not lose any points!

    If there are other attackers from a different clan in the same fight, the point loss from them is still counted.

    Clan vs. Clan kills also don’t count into the ranking score.

    Reputation Bonus
    For the first 10 unique player kills of the day, the reputation is increased:
    • This only affects the winning player’s end gain. It doesn’t affect the loss amount from the opponent.
    • The list of unique players killed along with the bonuses will be reset at 00:00 LST each day.
    • Reputation gain is 1.5x.

    Reputation Milestones
    You can get the rewards below whenever you reach a certain Reputation Milestone for the first time. The event rewards will be given out according to the highest final scoring of the players at the end of the event.

    Reputation MilestoneReward
    7502,000 UCB-100
    100 SR-5
    1,0003,000 UCB-100
    200 SR-5
    500 IDB-125
    1,2503,000 UCB-100
    300 SR-5
    1,000 IDB-125
    1,5005,000 UCB-100
    500 SR-5
    2,000 IDB-125
    Every 250 increase after2,000 UCB-100
    100 SR-5
    1,000 IDB-125

    Battle Pass Keys for Galactic Strife
    On top of earning rewards directly from each Battle Pass objective, you also earn Battle Pass Keys (BPK) that you can use to trade for rewards of your choice from the new Battle Pass Reward Exchange window.

    Overview of Items that can be exchanged:
    ItemsBattle Pass Keys neededExchange Limit
    Arios Solace Plus Ship Design251
    Neikos Solace Plus Ship Design251
    Odysseus Laser321
    Burning Trail38
    NPC Nuke38
    Anti-AI Emergency Reserves38
    3,000x CC-C25
    75x SP-100X110
    25x IAC510
    15x Indoctrine Oil510
    50x ABR110
    125x Extra Energy15
    4x Booty Keys110
    3,000x RSB-75110
    4,500x UCB-100110
    2,000x PLT-3030110
    3,000x PLT-202115
    500x UBR-100110
    500x HSTRM-01110
    25x DCR-250110
    50x SR-5210
    25x Scrapium110
    150x Bifenon110
    100x Tetrathrin110
    75x Kyhalon110
    1,000x Seprom110
    45x Log Files110
    1,000x P.E.T. Fuel110
    150x Polychromium15
    150x Rinusk110
    5x Schism115
    125x Evocation Chips110

    Battle Pass Booty Boxes
    With the Battle Pass Keys, you can also open the Battle Pass Booty Boxes which will be available during the event time. They are spawning in X-2 to X-8, Battle Maps, Pirate Maps. When opening the Battle Pass Booty Boxes, this might take a few seconds to prevent accidental misclicks.

    You can get a lot of valuable items out of these boxes:
    1x DMG-ZPVP020.50%
    1x SHD-ZPVP020.50%
    1x SPC-ZPVP020.50%
    1x HP-ZPVP020.50%
    1x DMG-ZPVP1.00%
    1x SPC-ZPVP1.00%
    1x HP-ZPVP1.00%
    1x SHD-ZPVP1.00%
    50x Extra Energy18.00%
    5x Log Disks18.00%
    5x Booty Key18.00%
    800x A-BL15.00%
    100x Eternal Fragment9.00%
    50x Scrapium8.00%
    2,000x SAB-506.70%
    1x Arios Solace Plus Ship Design0.50%
    1x Neikos Solace Plus Ship Design0.50%
    1x Odysseus Laser0.30%

    New Ship Designs
    There will be 2 new ship designs for the “Solaris Plus” ship coming together with the event:
    • Solaris Plus Neikos (available as a reward in the Reputation rank)
    • Solaris Plus Arios (available as a reward in the Reputation per kill rank)

    Crates: Flux Crate and Mire Crate
    Flux Crate – Bright, fluorescent yellow crates that contain bursts of energy can be safely harnessed for a short duration.

    The Flux Crate increases your ship’s speed by 10% for a short duration. You can collect the Flux Crate by clicking on it and it grants you speed boost for a short duration. If you already have an active Flux Crate speed boost, it cannot be picked up.
    Please note: This speed boost cannot raise your total speed above the cap of 750! If you observe that your speed increases above the 750 cap, it is likely that you have Promerium ore (which gives a 20% speed boost) in effect which can go above the 750 cap!

    Mire Crate – Bright, fluorescent red crates that contain bursts of harmful energy that can cause quite the chaos when there are pursuers hot on your trail.

    The Mire Crate instantly reduces nearby enemy ships’ speed by 20% for a short duration. You can pick it up and all players within a certain radius around you instantly gets their speed reduced (does not affect party members).

    General information
    Both crate effects can be stacked with each other. But the Mire de-buff effect strength will not stack if you already have an active de-buff. Nevertheless, the timer will reset and the effect will get prolonged.
    • Players with PvP protection can still pick up these crates and obtain the buffs or get de-buffed.
    • The P.E.T. auto looter cannot pick up these crates.
    • Box doubler doesn’t affect the crate effects.
    • The Flux Crate speed buff applies to your ship only. It doesn’t apply to the same party/faction or clan members.
    • The Mire Crate Speed de-buff may apply to other ships of the same faction/clan.
    • The Buffs and De-Buffs apply to ships only and it doesn’t apply to your P.E.T. or to opponent P.E.T.s.

    Ranking Rewards
    During the event there will be two different types of ranking: the Reputation Ranking and the Reputation Per Kill Ranking.

    Important: A minimum of 10 PvP kills is required to enter both rankings.

    If 2 players have the same score, their position will be determined by the following:
    • The time is taken (who’s first to reach the ranking position?)
      • Example 1: if player A scores 2,000 points first, and player B scores 2,000 points second, player A will be ranked first, player B second.
      • Example 2: If player A scores 2,000 points first, player B then scores 3,000 points after, player B will be first and player A will be second
      • However, if player B loses 1,000 points afterwards and his score drops to 2,000, this means that B is the second person to reach the 2,000 points score. In this case, player A will be ranked first, player B will be ranked second.
    The ranking details can be seen via Webpage in “Rankings”. The ranking board is only updating every 30 minutes.

    Reputation Ranking Rewards
    This is based on your Reputation at the end of the event.
    1.New title: Cosmic Slayer

    Neikos Solaris Plus Design
    1,500,000 Uridium
    3 months Premium
    100,000 Seprom
    400,000 UCB-100
    40,000 RSB-75
    10,000 IDB-125
    2.Neikos Solaris Plus Design
    800,000 Uridium
    2 months Premium
    75,000 Seprom
    300,000 UCB-100
    30,000 RSB-75
    7,500 IDB-125
    3.Neikos Solaris Plus Design
    500,000 Uridium
    2 months Premium
    50,000 Seprom
    150,000 UCB-100
    15,000 RSB-75
    5,000 IDB-125
    4. – 5.Neikos Solaris Plus Design
    250,000 Uridium
    1 month Premium
    35,000 Seprom
    100,000 UCB-100
    10,000 RSB-75
    2,500 IDB-125
    6. – 10.75,000 Uridium
    30,000 Seprom
    75,000 UCB-100
    9,000 RSB-75
    1,500 IDB-125
    11. – 25.50,000 Uridium
    25,000 Seprom
    50,000 UCB-100
    8,000 RSB-75
    1,000 IDB-125
    26. – 50.35,000 Uridium
    20,000 Seprom
    25,000 UCB-100
    5,000 RSB-75
    1,000 IDB-125
    51.-100.25,000 Uridium
    20,000 Seprom
    20,000 UCB-100
    2,500 RSB-75
    500 IDB-125

    Reputation Per Kill Ranking Rewards
    This is based on [Total Reputation of players killed] / [Total number of kills].
    1.New title: Honorable Assassin

    Arios Solaris Plus Design
    2 months Premium
    200,000 UCB-100
    25 Booty Keys
    100,000 Uridium
    10,000 SR-5
    10,000 IDB-125
    7 days DMG-DLB
    7 days SHD-DLB
    2.Arios Solaris Plus Design
    1 month Premium
    150,000 UCB-100
    15 Booty Keys
    75,000 Uridium
    8,000 SR-5
    7,500 IDB-125
    5 days DMG-DLB
    5 days SHD-DLB
    3.Arios Solaris Plus Design
    135,000 UCB-100
    10 Booty Keys
    50,000 Uridium
    5,000 SR-5
    5,000 IDB-125
    3 days DMG-DLB
    3 days SHD-DLB
    4.-10.Arios Solaris Plus Design
    120,000 UCB-100
    10 Booty Keys
    30,000 Uridium
    4,000 SR-5
    2,500 IDB-125
    2 days DMG-DLB
    2 days SHD-DLB
    11.-30.100,000 UCB-100
    10 Booty Keys
    10,000 Uridium
    2,000 SR-5
    1,500 IDB-125
    31.-51.50,000 UCB-100
    5 Booty Keys
    5,000 Uridium
    1,000 SR-5
    1,000 IDB-125
    51.-100.30,000 UCB-100
    3 Booty Keys
    2,000 Uridium
    500 SR-5
    500 IDB-125

    Take advantage of the different Fever Effects during selected hours each day! Enjoy boosts to ships and free repairs at your base or at the nearest gate if your ship is destroyed on Galactic Strife maps and Eternal Blacklight Maps.

    The “Fever” takes places at the following times (all LST) on Galactic Strife and EBG maps:
    • Monday to Friday: between 19:00 to 21:00 every day (2 hours)
    • Saturday and Sunday: between 13:00 to 15:00 (2 hours) and 19:00 to 21:00 (2 hours)
    If the ship is destroyed on the Battle Maps, it can be repaired for free in Home Base or at the nearest gate.

    During each Fever Time slot, selected types of ships will have special buffs applied:
    Set 1: From 11th to 17th September
    DayTimeAffected ShipsEffects
    Monday19:00 to 21:00 LSTDiminisher
    Solaris Plus
    Spearhead Plus
    +25% Evasion
    +15% Speed
    -25% Skills Cooldowns
    Tuesday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Wednesday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Thursday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Friday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Saturday13:00 to 15:00 LST
    19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Sunday13:00 to 15:00 LST
    19:00 to 21:00 LST

    Set 2: From 18th to 25th September
    DayTimeAffected ShipsEffects
    Monday19:00 to 21:00 LSTBasilisk
    Solaris Plus
    Goliath Plus
    +25% Damage
    +10% Speed
    -25% Skills Cooldowns
    Tuesday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Wednesday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Thursday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Friday19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Saturday13:00 to 15:00 LST
    19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Sunday13:00 to 15:00 LST
    19:00 to 21:00 LST

    New Titles

    Eternal TitanBe the top 5 players in Blacklight Rankings 1
    Eternal GiantBe the top 5 players in Blacklight Rankings 2

    Black Light Rankings
    There will be a live ranking displayed in the client event window which shows the players that are getting the furthest in the Eternal Black Light Galaxy Gate.

    Once you enter the Eternal Black Light Galaxy Gate, you’ll take automatically part in the Black Light Rankings. Your highest wave completed will be recorded in the Ranking Boards. If there are players that completed the same number of waves, their rank will be in order of who has reached the wave first.

    During the event time, there are 2 different sets of Black Light Ranking rewards that you can obtain:
    Set 1: 11th to 17th September
    1stTitle: Eternal Titan
    750,000 Uridium
    2 weeks Premium
    75,000 x Seprom
    30,000 x A-BL
    3 x DMG-XT10
    3 x HP-XT10
    3 x SHD-XT10
    3 x SPC-XT10
    2ndTitle: Eternal Titan
    500,000 Uridium
    50,000 x Seprom
    20,000 x A-BL
    2 x DMG-XT10
    2 x HP-XT10
    2 x SHD-XT10
    2 x SPC-XT10
    3rdTitle: Eternal Titan
    300,000 Uridium
    40,000 x Seprom
    15,000 x A-BL
    2 x DMG-XT10
    2 x HP-XT10
    2 x SHD-XT10
    2 x SPC-XT10
    4th to 5thTitle: Eternal Titan
    200,000 Uridium
    35,000 x Seprom
    15,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    1 x HP-XT10
    1 x SHD-XT10
    1 x SPC-XT10
    6th to 10th75,000 Uridium
    30,000 x Seprom
    12,500 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    11th to 25th50,000 Uridium
    30,000 x Seprom
    10,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    26th to 50th35,000 Uridium
    20,000 x Seprom
    8,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    51st to 100th25,000 Uridium
    20,000 x Seprom
    5,000 x A-BL

    Set 2: 18th to 25th September
    1stTitle: Eternal Giant
    750,000 Uridium
    2 weeks Premium
    75,000 x Seprom
    30,000 x A-BL
    3 x DMG-XT10
    3 x HP-XT10
    3 x SHD-XT10
    3 x SPC-XT10
    2ndTitle: Eternal Giant
    500,000 Uridium
    50,000 x Seprom
    20,000 x A-BL
    2 x DMG-XT10
    2 x HP-XT10
    2 x SHD-XT10
    2 x SPC-XT10
    3rdTitle: Eternal Giant
    300,000 Uridium
    40,000 x Seprom
    15,000 x A-BL
    2 x DMG-XT10
    2 x HP-XT10
    2 x SHD-XT10
    2 x SPC-XT10
    4th to 5thTitle: Eternal Giant
    200,000 Uridium
    35,000 x Seprom
    15,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    1 x HP-XT10
    1 x SHD-XT10
    1 x SPC-XT10
    6th to 10th75,000 Uridium
    30,000 x Seprom
    12,500 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    11th to 25th50,000 Uridium
    30,000 x Seprom
    10,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    26th to 50th35,000 Uridium
    20,000 x Seprom
    8,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    51st to 100th25,000 Uridium
    20,000 x Seprom
    5,000 x A-BL