Galaxy gate building

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Manthor2503-, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Ship name: ╬Apex-Predator╬
    User ID: 90140621
    Server: Global Europe 3

    I have an annoying problem...the problem is the following: i have played darkorbit for a fair while now and i still haven't built any galaxy gates...i still need 1 piece of the alpha gate to complete it and about four of the beta gate...and i have been spending a lot of time lately in the palladium field on 5-3 but i don't get the last's just so hard to get the last piece, and i really want to do the gates as soon as possible....
  2. Hello -Manthor2503-

    All I would like to add is every time you spin for Galaxy gate parts even though you don't get the gate parts but you do get other stuffs, I know at times it can be annoying because of not getting last few gate parts but please be patient with it, you will eventually get it built. Sometimes it take more time to build a particular gate and sometimes you build the same gate easily with less uridium or GG spins.

    Goodluck :)

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  3. i guess i will keep on trying... it's just that i hear there are some who do a couple of gate a day and if i see that it takes forever to build on myself...well, it gets on my nerves....but anyway, no more questions...i just hope i will have more luck in the future...
    Thank you
  4. ..DC..™

    ..DC..™ User

    The ones who do a couple a day chuck loads of money at it ;) you won't want to know how many i get through. Sometimes the last pieces take ages, when you first spin Alpha you have 34 pieces to chose from, so the first parts you get are gonna be fine. The more you spin the smaller the chance of getting the last pieces. Beta seems to be a bit awkward to get just lately. Persevere, lvl 3 Kami is good btw.

  5. Hello -Manthor2503-

    Its easier for some people to build multiple gates as they use uridium to build it or stacked GG spins but anyways goodluck :)

    Closing as answered.
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