Galaxy gate rewards - renovation

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Maki, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Maki

    Maki User

    This thread is dedicated to rewards from kappas and zetas. My opinion is that the same needs "renovation". I don't understand how someone needs to do 40-50 (just example, truth example) zetas to get havoc and the procent is 50% to get it. That means that many really don't have lucky, and I think that is disgracefull when system by "him self" determine that someone doesn't get havoc 10 times in a row?! Same thing with kappa .. Some people get ALL havocs with 10 zetas and other with 40, where is here justice?!

  2. There is no justice in here, this is only a luck. It took me 34 Zeta gates to get all Havocs and 40 Kappa gates to get all Hercs. I really love doing gates although they are really expensive but they give good ammo, ep and hon so I don't mind doing them. Also chances for getting Havocs are 33% not 50% if I remember right. I don't know if they changed it but when I was doing Zetas last time it was 33%. You can't get full equipment with minimum resources. If you want drone design then you will need to put some effort to get it.
  3. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Hi. The base percentage is actually 25% and not 50 as you say above. And to get a true reflection on the percentage and whether it is working properly (or indeed broken) you would need to see the data for literally 1000's of gates. Just taking 1 players experiences and saying "its a con" is not looking at the bigger picture.
    In an ideal world you should be guaranteed 10 havocs from 40 gates. Because this is not an ideal world it sometimes takes more and sometimes takes less. This is the luck of the draw.

  4. took me 31 zetas for 10 havocs and 44 kappas for 10 hurcs a bit high seen people do more for less but its the world works
  5. Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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