Galaxy Gates – New Rewards FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by Oddessey, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    There have been some changes in the Galaxy Gates together with the latest Dispatch Expansion. The changes are concerning the Galaxy Gate rewards as well as the appearing NPCs in the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Gates and their difficulty which has been increased to balance the lesser appearance of the NPCs (the NPCs have already been reduced in the past in those 3 GG to avoid lags when playing the Galaxy Gates but this hasn’t been reflected in the FAQ yet).

    Here’s the new overview:

    Alpha Gate
    · 20,000 Uridium
    · 20,000 UCB-100
    · 100,000 Honor
    · 4,000,000 Experience
    · 2 Repair vourcher
    · 200 Xenomit
    · 2 Logs Disks
    · 1 Alpha Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 2 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the Sandstorm Pusat Ship Design (10% for both manual and Dispatch)​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 20,000 Uridium
    · 20,000 UCB-100
    · 200,000 Honor
    · 8,000,000 EP
    · 4 Repair voucher
    · 400 Xenomit
    · 4 Log Disks
    · 1 Alpha Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 2 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the Sandstorm Pusat Ship Design (10% for both manual and Dispatch)​

    Wave 1:
    20 Streuners

    Wave 2:
    20 Lordakias

    Wave 3:
    20 Mordons

    Wave 4:
    20 Saimons

    Wave 5:
    20 Devolariums

    Wave 6:
    40 Kristallins

    Wave 7:
    20 Sibelons

    Wave 8:
    80 Sibelonits

    Wave 9:
    16 Kristallons

    Wave 10:
    20 Small Kubikons

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the Alpha gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the Alpha gate will award between 5 and 10 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    Beta Gate
    · 40,000 Uridium
    · 40,000 UCB-100
    · 200,000 Honor
    · 8,000,000 Experience
    · 4 Repair voucher
    · 400 Xenomit
    · 4 Logs Disks
    · 1 Beta Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 2 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the Sandstorm Pusat Ship Design (10% for both manual and Dispatch)​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 40,000 Uridium
    · 40,000 UCB-100
    · 400,000 Honor
    · 16,000,000 EP
    · 8 Repair voucher
    · 800 Xenomit
    · 8 Log Disks
    · 1 Beta Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 2 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the Sandstorm Pusat Ship Design (10% for both manual and Dispatch)​

    Wave 1:
    20 Streuners

    Wave 2:
    20 Lordakias

    Wave 3:
    40 Mordons

    Wave 4:
    20 Saimons

    Wave 5:
    20 Devolariums

    Wave 6:
    40 Kristallins

    Wave 7:
    20 Sibelons

    Wave 8:
    40 Sibelonits

    Wave 9:
    16 Kristallons

    Wave 10:
    20 Small Kubikons

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the BETA gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the BETA gate will award between 5 and 10 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    Gamma Gate
    · 60,000 Uridium
    · 60,000 UCB-100
    · 300,000 Honor
    · 12,000,000 Experience
    · 6 Repair voucher
    · 600 Xenomit
    · 10 Logs Disks
    · 1 Gamma Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 3 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the Sandstorm Pusat Ship Design (10% for both manual and Dispatch)​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 60,000 Uridium
    · 60,000 UCB-100
    · 600,000 Honor
    · 24,000,000 EP
    · 12 Repair voucher
    · 1200 Xenomit
    · 20 Log Disks
    · 1 Gamma Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 3 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the Sandstorm Pusat Ship Design (10% for both manual and Dispatch)​

    Wave 1:
    20 Streuners

    Wave 2:
    20 Lordakias

    Wave 3:
    20 Mordons

    Wave 4:
    40 Saimons

    Wave 5:
    20 Devolariums

    Wave 6:
    40 Kristallins

    Wave 7:
    20 Sibelons

    Wave 8:
    40 Sibelonits

    Wave 9:
    16 Kristallons

    Wave 10:
    20 Small Kubikons

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the GAMMA gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the GAMMA gate will award between 8 and 16 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    Delta Gate
    · 45,000 Uridium
    · 45,000 UCB-100
    · 225,000 Honor
    · 9,000,000 Experience
    · 5 Repair voucher
    · 450 Xenomit
    · 450 Promerium
    · 8 Logs Disks
    · 1 Delta Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 6 Schism Crystal
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get Hermes Drone Design​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 45,000 Uridium
    · 45,000 UCB-100
    · 450,000 Honor
    · 18,000,000 EP
    · 10 Repair voucher
    · 900 Xenomit
    · 900 Promerium
    · 16 Log Disks
    · 1 Delta Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon

    Please Note: During Double GG Rewards Day, there's no chance to get the Hermes Drone Design.

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the DELTA gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the DELTA gate will award between 10 and 15 Schism. This will no be dropped from Dispatch.

    LF-4 Day

    As an additional reward, you’ll get either 1 LF-4 laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Enhanced LF-4 day

    As an additional reward, you’ll get either 1 LF-4 Hyperplasmoid laser or 1 LF-4 Magmadrill laser or 1 LF-4 Paritydrill laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Epsilon Gate
    · 25,000 Uridium
    · 20,000 UCB-100
    · 150,000 Honor
    · 5,000,000 Experience
    · 10 Logs Disks
    · 5 Booty Keys
    · 1 Epsilon Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get 1 LF4​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 25,000 Uridium
    · 20,000 UCB-100
    · 300,000 Honor
    · 10,000,000 EP
    · 20 Log Disks
    · 10 Booty Keys
    · 1 Epsilon Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get 2 LF-4​

    Please note:
    You’ll get the LF-4 with 100% on the first manual run of the gate. Subsequent runs will give you a 25% chance to get the LF-4, regardless of doing it via Dispatch or manually.

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the EPSILON gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the EPSILON gate will award between 10 and 15 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    LF-4 Day

    As an additional reward, you’ll get either 1 LF-4 laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Enhanced LF-4 day

    As an additional reward, you’ll get either 1 LF-4 Hyperplasmoid laser or 1 LF-4 Magmadrill laser or 1 LF-4 Paritydrill laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Zeta Gate

    · 35,000 Uridium
    · 25,000 UCB-100
    · 200,000 Honor
    · 6,000,000 Experience
    · 50 Logs Disks
    · 25 Booty Keys
    · 1 Zeta Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 3 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get a Havoc Drone Design​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 35,000 Uridium
    · 25,000 UCB-100
    · 400,000 Honor
    · 12,000,000 EP
    · 100 Log Disks
    · 50 Booty Keys
    · 1 Zeta Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 3 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get 2 Havoc Drone Designs​

    Please note:
    You’ll get the Havoc Drone Design with 100% on the first manual run of the gate as well as on the first Double Rewards GG Day. Afterward, running it via Dispatch gives a 45% chance per run to get the Havoc Drone Design.

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the ZETA gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the ZETA gate will award between 10 and 15 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    Kappa Gate
    · 15,000 Uridium
    · 30,000 UCB-100
    · 325,000 Honor
    · 9,000,000 Experience
    · 10 Logs Disks
    · 5 Booty Keys
    · 1 Kappa Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get one of the following:
    • Hercules Drone Design
    • B01 Booster (Kappa)
    • LF-4
    Double GG Rewards Day
    · 15,000 Uridium
    · 30,000 UCB-100
    · 650,000 Honor
    · 18,000,000 EP
    · 20 Log Disks
    · 10 Booty Keys
    · 1 Kappa Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get one of the following:
    • Hercules Drone Design
    • B01 Booster (Kappa)
    • LF-4
    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the KAPPA gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the KAPPA gate will award between 10 and 15 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    Lambda Gate
    · 15,000 Uridium
    · 10,000 UCB-100
    · 100,000 Honor
    · 2,750,000 Experience
    · 3 Logs Disks
    · 5 Booty Keys
    · 1 Lambda Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    Double GG Rewards Day
    · 15,000 Uridium
    · 10,000 UCB-100
    · 200,000 Honor
    · 5,500,000 EP
    · 6 Log Disks
    · 10 Booty Keys
    · 1 Lambda Gate part (for Kronos)
    · 4 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the LAMBDA gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the LAMBDA gate will award between 10 and 15 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    LF-4 Day

    As an additional reward, you’ll either get 1 LF-4 laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Enhanced LF-4 day

    As an additional reward, you’ll get either 1 LF-4 Hyperplasmoid laser or 1 LF-4 Magmadrill laser or 1 LF-4 Paritydrill laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Kronos Gate
    · 25,000 Uridium
    · 25,000 UCB-100
    · 250 Extra Energy
    · 450,000 Honor
    · 12,000,000 Experience
    · 15 Logs Disks
    · 10 Booty Keys
    · 10 Schism Crystal
    · 100 Axion Beam Regulator
    · 1 Spartan Drone Blueprint
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the G-Saturn Ship​

    Double GG Rewards Day

    · 25,000 Uridium
    · 25,000 UCB-100
    · 500 Extra Energy
    · 900,000 Honor
    · 24,000,000 EP
    · 30 Log Disks
    · 20 Booty Keys
    · 10 Schism Crystal
    · 100 Axion Beam Regulator
    · 1 Spartan Drone Blueprint
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get the G-Saturn Ship​

    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue, and Apocalypse)

    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the KRONOS gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the KRONOS gate will award between 25 and 30 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    Kuiper Gate
    · 15,000 Uridium
    · 150,000 Honor
    · 2,000,000 Experience
    · 5 Booty Keys
    · 8 Schism Crystal
    · 6 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 70 and 80 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 8 and 14 Kyhalon
      • Between 8 and 14 Tetrathrin
      • Between 6 and 10 Bifenon
    · A chance to get one of the following (will be refunded 10,000 Uridium if the player already owns the ship):
    • Aegis Elite
    • Citadel Elite
    • Spearhead Elite
    • Goliath Venom
    • Vengeance Pusat
    Double GG Rewards Day
    · 15,000 Uridium
    · 300,000 Honor
    · 4,000,000 EP
    · 10 Booty Keys
    · 8 Schism Crystal
    · 6 Axion Beam Regulator
    · A chance to get:
    • Between 140 and 160 Diametrion
    • And one of the following:
      • Between 16 and 28 Kyhalon
      • Between 16 and 28 Tetrathrin
      • Between 12 and 20 Bifenon
    · A chance to get one of the following (will be refunded 10,000 Uridium if the player already owns the ship):
    • Aegis Elite
    • Citadel Elite
    • Spearhead Elite
    • Goliath Venom
    • Vengeance Pusat
    Special Booty Days (Obsidian, Red, Blue and Apocalypse)
    Occasionally, Schism will be dropped from the KUIPER gate on top of regular rewards. On these special days, the KUIPER gate will award between 25 and 30 Schism. This will not be dropped from Dispatch.

    LF-4 Day

    As an additional reward, you’ll either get 1 LF-4 laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.

    Enhanced LF-4 day

    As an additional reward, you’ll get either 1 LF-4 Hyperplasmoid laser or 1 LF-4 Magmadrill laser or 1 LF-4 Paritydrill laser or 10,000 UCB-100. This will not be dropped from completion via Dispatch.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 24, 2022
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    For bonus rewards that are time-limited, the players must complete the gate within the given time frame. This is also valid when using the Dispatch feature.

    GG Special Rewards

    Here’s an example:
    If you start a Dispatch on Tuesday which will give a certain bonus reward (e.g. a certain amount of EP) on that day but you only complete the Dispatch on Thursday when the bonus reward is different (e.g. an LF-4 laser), you will only receive the LF-4 as a bonus.

    This means the reward is given based on the time of completion.

    Note: If you complete the gate after the bonus period is over, you won’t get any bonus reward, even if you started the gate while the bonus is still active.
    LongDipXD_NFG, gb44 and TermiteFan like this.