[GI] Galaxy Gates

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by The-Banned-One, May 26, 2020.

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  1. Why is it so difficult to get all the parts for galaxy gates? I spin single turns, (as per a thread I read0, but 716 spins later I still vannot finish Alpha, Beta or Gamma?

    Am I doing somethiing wrong or do the gates just take an unwordly amount of uri to complete the builds?
  2. Its all just luck, but 700 spins is also not that much, it's a little over 70k Uri (with no discounts whatsoever).
    When you do have discounts it's even less.

    To be able to spin A B and G endlessly, you need 150-200k Uri and the 30% discount.
  3. Yep, that's about right. Some times I get lucky and get all 3 built for about 130k Uri. with discount I spin em 100 at a time then drop to 5 when last gate, generally the Gamma, is at 5 or so needed.


    **Success is never Final & Failure is never Fatal**
  4. Thank you, appreciate the reply.
  5. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Closing as answered

    thank you everybody

    Regards Rogue
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