galexy gate issues

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Grim_Reaper666, Sep 10, 2023.

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  1. im having a galexy gate issue only for gate zete no matter how many other gates i drop if i do zete it keeps losing connection.

    i get that i like to do zete on sunday for the double havok reward but i cannot i can only do it during week day. can this issue be fixed of is it just something i wont be able to do?
  2. test020

    test020 User

    it was a ddos attack, i tried doing gamma but couldn't either and was getting tons of disconnections, now i can play gamma no problemo.
  3. Wouldn't try doing any gates right now. Lag is so bad and a lot of times you can't shoot anything. I can barely do the daily's to keep my title.