Game been down a couple of hours?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by burkey, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. burkey

    burkey User

    Hi, so for the past couple of hours I've had either saying page cannot be found (couldn't ping at that time either), then when it did finally load, the back page was all black so couldn't login client, then when the back page came up the spacemap would go round in circles Loading, then Start, then black screen and back to Loading and on and on

    I used Firefox 26 with Adobe Flash Player

    Just me or has the game (or GB1) been up and down since 8pm ish?

    EDIT: In game now etc, tried loading hangar and got this (P.S. can the Restart button be English please :D )
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  2. That picture is not loading for me.

    My only thing I could say if this happens again, disconnect from internet, Clear full browser data and then reconnect. This happened to me a couple months ago.

    Also, the further you are from the actual server, the longer it may take to log into the game and sometimes distance from servers can cause errors like these.

    Plus a slower connection or a spiky internet connection can cause similar problems as well. Even if you have the best internet in the world, you can get connection spikes that can be annoying.
  3. burkey

    burkey User

    Thanks for ur suggestions VintageAion, but all these have started breaking in the past few days with all these unscheduled fixes/updates etc.

    I'll just give up on the game for a while (for about the 20th time in the past 6 years, 4 months) and hope it's any different when I return again.
  4. Nah. Don't need to do that. Just be patient. Every game has it's bugs. Some have more bugs than others and some even have bugs that are annoying and not annoying.

    If they see the problem, they will try to fix it.