game hacker be banned, is D/O really stopping hackers?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ARCHANGEL[777], Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. I have been told that dark Orbit is supposed to have some program running that finds the hackers. question is, on what servers? not in U.S.A 3 East Coast server. I say this because i keep getting instant locked by REMOVED clan VRU and how on earth do they have nonstop RSB laser ammo mine have a cool down? i have to use RSB then change to x's 4 ammo. whats up with that? and it is not just REMOVED clan other players use hacks too.REMOVED i believe is a hacker. so please stop giving us the run around Dark Orbit, if you really are stopping the hackers,why are we getting hacked all day long?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 19, 2014
    cooljak96 likes this.

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    One thing I know is that you can not use players names or accuse anyone of anything on this game if you have evidence send it to support

    The hack Detection software runs on all Darkorbit servers, many West players and players on all servers using third party softwares were banned. Some accounts were pulled and others got punishments and so on. I am not saying that there isn't any HackWare Left I am sure that there is but, sooner or later they will be caught And it is not worth losing a ship over that.

    Players using REMOVED softwares most of the time get caught, most those players get, probation a 72 hour ban or more, all upgrades reset to 1, pilot points in bio pulled, or may even have their account pulled.

    Accounts are still under Review those that are using or have used illegal software is not out of the water yet, they are still catching illegal users, as I was told by support. Lets say if someone used a software a long time ago chances are that they may be caught too, not easy to review over 3 million accounts. The ban wave continues and many more will be pulled or punished.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 19, 2014
  3. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ARCHANGEL[777]

    If you have any supposed evidence of hacking, your only option is to discuss it with Support. We cannot assist in any way from the Forums.
    There is a link in my signature for convenience.

    Contact Support
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