Game not loading

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by compie, Oct 25, 2024.

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  1. Peace

    Peace User

    Same here and I@ve just paid for the prem. gonna hwave to cancel
  2. compie

    compie User

    I tried starting the program from the install map and as a administrator, but nothing..:(
  3. **silver**

    **silver** User

    this is the matter i don't pay anything......they don't be carer about us,honests players....they have care only for her bunch of botters....and unity server,now....i was thinking to buy something....after this,i will buy nothing forever......anyone on the commands rooms be care.....just for their d the money into them
  4. honestly... just shift the servers to the new unity client...
  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    i was able to login this morning after not being able to yesterday ,however now i cannot login again . it probably all stems from this unity server they released to people but thats a guess. i cannot login again anyway . also the unity server looks very dodgy ,,people have managed to get the equipment already to build bases . lmao i aint got an iris yet or pet ,never mind base modules .

    Personally i think being able to login on different servers with same account was always gonna create problems and i think thats what this is ,it dont know where we are lol .
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2024
  6. Mikineos

    Mikineos User

    I have the same problem. I started playing 10 years ago and just remembered DO existed.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2024
  7. ritm_09

    ritm_09 User

    ge2 client off too since 24H
  8. Same issues here disconnected in the middle of a wave in halloween gate now it's stuck on loading screen.
    Now game says GO Premium lol atleast that works BP cause the game still won't load so my doubler and premium are gone but I had them when I was doing the gate. Good Job
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  9. test020

    test020 User

    sometimes i can login, most of the times i get stuck in a infinite loading screen, also darkorbit homepage is broken.

    meanwhile my returner calendar still ticking away, not to mention vortex of terror.
    can vot be extended at least? i wanted to get salvage 4 protocols :(
    or drop a code or something.
  10. second day cannot login:((
    KeeperOfUnreal likes this.
  11. My game is just loading forever, when will this be fixed?? ...
    KeeperOfUnreal likes this.
  12. tibstar

    tibstar User

    5th day cant login
    KeeperOfUnreal likes this.
  13. They better give us some compensation for this, if they dont i will never pay for any think ever again.
    KeeperOfUnreal likes this.
  14. At least someone can say how long the problem will last. Does it exist everywhere on servers and players. What is the reason and why is there no warning since the problem with some players has been around for a long time!
  15. USA West Server.. Not able to load game as its stuck at 30% loading.... Any chances on getting the client back on working state ?.

    You pay to play dis game ?.. wow..
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 27, 2024
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  16. ralves111

    ralves111 User

    same here
  17. Is there a problem with that?
    You see, you can't get everything in the game for free, unless you cheat, or you take advantage of something illegal Eventually the cheater's will pay :) ... wow.. right back at you.
    ΔÜЯØŘΔ and AVIT like this.
  18. tibstar

    tibstar User

    ok so nothing is for free but what happens when you pay and you still cant play
  19. compie

    compie User

    sent email to support. They replied that it was a known issue but cannot give an estimated time to fix..
  20. It's players like this that rub me the wrong way cause they will get any compensation players who at least pay for premium get and all they can do is bot and abuse bugs and laugh about it like everything in life is free.