gamma gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LiveBoy, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. LiveBoy

    LiveBoy User

    just now ilost my gamma gate
    there is bug in my ship my ship stoped in kristlins waves 2 times and ilost 2 lives
    after imake half of kristlins in cornars
    and isib wave igot lagged the ship walk and the aliens stops
    sry for bad english :(
    plz help
    ilost my gamma gate
  2. You need to contact support to take care of this. Forum mods don't have the ability to help you.
  3. LiveBoy

    LiveBoy User

    where should i go im new here
  4. LiveBoy likes this.
  5. LiveBoy

    LiveBoy User

  6. Hello LiveBoy

    Thank you -Tom_Sawyer- for assisting with this thread.

    If you didn't had a gate reset in last 1month then you will get your galaxy gate reseted and you need to Contact Support for any further assistance on this issue.

    Closing as OP was directed to support.
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