Gauntlet of Plutus Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Jan 10, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Gauntlet of Plutus Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User


    What...? Correct this if you're going to re-use an old FAQ.
    IRON-THRONE likes this.
  3. 9KKO

    9KKO User

    Tedious event, stuck in cutscene and warhead bug. Cant even click it
  4. PVE Server
    • PVP Modules (Faction Damage, Player Damage etc) don't effect damage against Saturns;
    • Shooting Saturns doesn't increase the "Damage NPC" objectives on Battle Pass;
    • Killing Saturns counts as a kill on PVP quest;
    Are they classed as PVP ships or NPC ships?
    • PVP Modules not working against Saturns must mean they are NPC ships right?
    • Damaging Saturns doesn't increase the "Damage NPC" objectives must mean they are PVP ships right?
    • Killing a Saturn counts as a kill on a PVP quest means they are PVP ships right?
    Its not hard, they are either PVP ships or NPC ships, makes no sense at all.


    PS: At least the Battle Pass Key Exchange is correct this time compared to last time when half the items were missed and then added 3/4 of the way through the event.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  5. 2 days in a row shoot rcb or rsb one time and it greys out so you can't use it again till the game decides to allow it again same with changing formation change it one time and have to change config before you can change formation again, game client is so broken and you come out with timed events when you know lag is a serious issue. Seems like instead of just playing the game players have to clear cache, relog every 30 minutes wait for client just to try to have a chance of no lag.
  6. Where are we supposed to see GOP rankings? On game screen doesn't work for any event info, so why is it even there?? Actual back page event ranking, no info for GOP events at all. I can see my times and that's it. How do we know where we stand in the ranking??
  7. You know at the end of the event when rewards are given out!!!
    IRON-THRONE likes this.
  8. Easy as Hell!
  9. Great client 3 days in a row even after clearing cache only in plutus event rcb rsb stays greyed out for over 1 minute before can use again formation will change when it god damn well feels like it hahaha BP should just close the game down seen they know they can't fix the client and not everyone wants to cheat and run the game while at work or even while playing something else lol.
    See top players in eternal while in discord they are playing another game cause they know they can and they also know the other game is better great job BP.
  10. Have you decreased chance of getting modules in plutus boxes? I have done the gate every day and have gotten modules from only 1 box on the first day of event. I refuse to believe this is due to luck as last time it was normal to get modules at least once when doing the gate.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
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