Gauntlet of Plutus FAQ

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Malaikat, Jan 12, 2025.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    General information
    During the Gauntlet of Plutus event, a special Galaxy Gate “Gauntlet of Plutus” appears on the x-8 maps which should be completed as fast as possible by the players.

    Like last time, we will again have an Easy Gauntlet of Plutus Galaxy Gate and a normal Gauntlet of Plutus Galaxy Gate.

    Some general details about the Galaxy Gate:
    • The Gauntlet of Plutus can be completed once per day and the entry is free
    • It resets after the daily server restart
    • It cannot be entered anymore 5 minutes before the daily restart takes place
    • If a player is still inside the Galaxy Gate during the restart, they will be removed back to their x-8 map and their progress inside the gate will be lost. In the Easy GoP GG, the players will be removed to the x-1 map (for players above level 12, they will be sent back to X-8 maps).
    • Upon reset the galaxy gate is put back to wave 1 and opened again
    • Every player has 5 lives to attempt the Galaxy Gate
      • Time recorded will be from the time of entering the Gauntlet of Plutus until the time Plutus is defeated.
      • Time spent outside the Gauntlet of Plutus after dying will be included
      • If you die in the boss map, the whole boss map will reset
    • In the Easy Gate, jumping to the next map gives the usual 15 seconds cooldown
    • In the Normal Gate, jumping to the next map has a reduced cooldown of 1 second
    • When a player entered either the Easy or the Normal GoP GG, the entry into the other gate is not allowed anymore during the current day.
    Enter the “Gauntlet of Plutus” Galaxy Gate and fight your way through different waves of NPCs. The Gate offers different waves and maps on a random base. Only the final wave – the big boss Plutus – will be the same each time.

    The event ranking will be created according to the speed of completing the Gauntlet of Plutus Galaxy Gate. The event rewards will be given out according to the final scoring of the players which can be seen in the event window during the event and in the Hall of Fame, Event rankings section after the event is finished. Every players’ Top 5 times of doing the Normal GoP GG will be recorded.

    IMPORTANT: These rewards boxes aren’t dropping in general but only when killing NPCs in certain waves!

    Bountiful Alien CPU
    Upon defeating Plutus, there’s a chance of obtaining a Bountiful Alien CPU.
    Both Normal and Easy gates have a base chance of dropping a Bountiful Alien CPU and the chance may be improved by killing Aura Dun Jigs. The CPU is booked at the end of the Plutus boss fight.

    The Bountiful Alien CPU can be used in specific maps to spawn an NPC which can be defeated for bonus rewards:
    • Bountiful Alien CPU (Normal) can only be used on maps: X-5, X-6, X-7, X-8, Battle Maps
    • Bountiful Alien CPU (Easy) can only be used on maps: X-3, X-4, X-5, Battle Maps
    Each CPU will spawn 1 NPC enemy and is consumed upon use.
    • The CPU NPC will only be visible and targetable by the player who uses the CPU.
    • If the NPC kills the player or if the player dies from another NPC or disconnects or closes the game:
      • The player doesn’t get the rewards.
      • The NPC will remain on the map until they are destroyed, or daily server restart happens.
      • Existing NPC spawned on the map must be killed first before spawning new ones.
    • The CPU cannot be used in the Demilitarized Zone
    • If there are more than 250 NPCs on the map, the CPU cannot be used.
    • All Bountiful Alien CPU can only be used during the Gauntlet of Plutus event period.
    As a reminder: Use your Bountiful Alien CPUs before the event ends as they will be removed!

    Bountiful Alien CPU (Easy):
    The Reward package contains the chance to get valuable items, e.g. Hyperplasmoid LF-4, Paritydrill LF-4, Magmadrill LF-4, DMG-XHD01, HP-XHD01, SHD-XHD01, SPC-XHD01, Evocation Chip, Diametrion or Permit.

    Bountiful Alien CPU (Normal):
    The Reward package contains the chance to valuable items at a higher chance and quantity, e.g. Hyperplasmoid LF-4, Paritydrill LF-4, Magmadrill LF-4, DMG-XHD01, HP-XHD01, SHD-XHD01, SPC-XHD01, Evocation Chip, Diametrion, SG3N-PX01, or LF-PX01.

    IMPORTANT: Box doubler boosters aren’t active for these rewards!

    Event NPCs
    There are some event NPCs as well as existing NPCs that are appearing in the Gauntlet of Plutus.
    NameHPShieldShield spreadSpeedDamageRangeHit Chance
    Cote Lo160,00058,000704003,50040080
    Aura Dun Jig400,000370,0007030011,00035080
    Lac Lion1,200,0000705006,00080080
    Natal Nap3,000,000195,0007015018,00055080
    Plutus (Boss)5,000,000600,0005030020,00045080

    EASY Gauntlet of Plutus GG
    The mechanic of the Easy GoP GG is the same as the normal one, only the difficulty of the NPCs as well as the rewards are adapted and much lower. The rewards for doing this Easy GoP GG are similar to the ones of the Normal GoP GG but they are reduced because the GG is way easier than the normal one.

    You can enter the Easy GoP GG from the x-1 map and you are transferred back to that map when you leave the GG.

    Only in certain waves, the NPCs will drop reward boxes with the chance to get the XU01 ship modules as well as valuable laser and rocket ammunition.

    Please note that in the Easy GoP GG, Plutus won’t drop an additional reward package (like in the Normal GoP GG).

    NORMAL Gauntlet of Plutus GG
    Cote Lo16,000 EP
    80 Honor
    82,000 Credits
    40 Uridium
    60 Prometium
    60 Endurium
    60 Terbium
    25 Prometid
    25 Duranium
    3 Promerium
    Kodkod36,000 EP
    180 Honor
    235,000 Credits
    94 Uridium
    180 Prometium
    180 Endurium
    180 Terbium
    75 Prometid
    75 Duranium
    10 Promerium
    Aura Dun Jig50,500 EP
    250 Honor
    400,000 Credits
    130 Uridium
    280 Prometium
    280 Endurium
    280 Terbium
    120 Prometid
    120 Duranium
    15 Promerium
    Lac Lion80,000 EP
    400 Honor
    555,000 Credits
    240 Uridium
    400 Prometium
    400 Endurium
    400 Terbium
    175 Prometid
    175 Duranium
    22 Promerium
    Natal Nap230,000 EP
    1,150 Honor
    1,555,000 Credits
    610 Uridium
    1150 Prometium
    1150 Endurium
    1150 Terbium
    500 Prometid
    500 Duranium
    60 Promerium
    Plutus (Boss)5,000,000 EP
    500,000 Honor
    5,000,000 Credits
    5,000 Uridium
    Reward Package 1 (see below)

    The Reward package 1 contains the chance to get a lot of valuable items, e.g. LF4 lasers, Laser ammunition, Rockets, Mines, as well as the chance to get a Cyborg, Mimesis or Hammerclaw Nobilis ship design. Additionally: There’s a very low chance to hit the jackpot of 5 Mio. Uridium!
    The NPCs will occasionally drop reward boxes with valuable items. Please take note that only in certain waves the NPCs will drop reward boxes with the chance to get the XHD01 ship modules as well as valuable laser ammunition, resources, and techs.

    Boss Fight against Plutus
    The aim of the player is to defeat the boss Plutus which is protected by four turrets that are placed at each end of an invincibility shield around him. The NPCs will spawn around the turret once the turret is shot at. They fly away from you and you need to hunt them! If you kill these NPCs, you’ll get temporary damage or speed buffs! They renew every time a new corresponding buff is received).

    The buffs have been rebalanced and Kodkod now becomes aggressive. Alongside Cote Lo and Kodkod, one Aura Dun Jig spawns per turret and only if you kill it, you’ll get a boosted chance that the Bountiful Alien CPU spawns. Similar to the Cote Lo, Aura Dun Jig will run away from players.

    Important: You can also ignore the Aura Dun Jig entirely and you still have a chance that the spawns an Bountiful Alien CPU. But this chance is only boosted if you kill Aura Dun Jig!

    Once all turrets are destroyed, the next phase of the fight begins: the Boss Fight against Plutus! He doesn’t have an invincibility shield anymore and prepares a large scale attack that you’ll need to take cover from! Fight him down until he is defeated!

    New Ship Design
    There will be 1 new ship design called “Nobilis” coming together with the event:
    • Nobilis Hammerclaw Plus (available via Battle Pass Key exchange)

    New P.E.T. Design
    There will be 1 new P.E.T. design called “Nobilis” coming together with the event:
    • Nobilis Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design (available as a Ranking reward)

    Ranking Rewards
    The event ranking will be created according to the speed of completing the Gauntlet of Plutus Galaxy Gate. The rewards will be given out according to the final event ranking. The players can see their score during the event in the Gauntlet of Plutus window. The final scoring will be displayed after the event end and it can be found in the Hall of Fame, Event Ranking section.
    The rewards will be given out based on the user scores at the end of the event.

    Ranking Rewards
    Ranking Rewards
    1.2,000,000 Uridium
    2 months Premium
    Nobilis Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design
    100,000 Seprom
    300,000 UCB-100
    50,000 RCB-140
    50,000 RSB-75
    Winner achievement: Champion of the Gauntlet
    2.1,000,000 Uridium
    1 Month Premium
    Nobilis Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design
    75,000 Seprom
    200,000 UCB-100
    30,000 RCB-140
    35,000 RSB-75
    3.500,000 Uridium
    1 Month Premium
    Nobilis Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design
    50,000 Seprom
    120,000 UCB-100
    10,000 RCB-140
    20,000 RSB-75
    4. - 5.250,000 Uridium
    Nobilis Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design
    35,000 Seprom
    100,000 UCB-100
    5,000 RCB-140
    15,000 RSB-75
    6. - 10.75,000 Uridium
    Nobilis Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design
    30,000 Seprom
    75,000 UCB-100
    10,000 RSB-75
    11. - 25.50,000 Uridium
    30,000 Seprom
    75,000 UCB-100
    8,000 RSB-75
    26. - 50.35,000 Uridium
    20,000 Seprom
    50,000 UCB-100
    5,000 RSB-75
    51. - 100.25,000 Uridium
    20,000 Seprom
    25,000 UCB-100
    2,500 RSB-75

    There are some achievements that can be reached, either in one single event or over the course of several events:
    Champion of the GauntletBe the top ranking player at the end of the event.100
    The bigger they are …Defeat Plutus once50
    … The harder they fall.Defeat Plutus 10 times.50
    Destruction of WealthDefeat Plutus 30 times.100
    Monumental Momentum.Accumulate 1,000 score in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event.25
    In a flashAccumulate 5,000 score in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event.50
    Speed killsAccumulate 10,000 score in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event.100
    Limitless LuckBe one of the lucky few.50

    Battle Pass Keys
    On top of earning rewards directly from each Battle Pass objective, you also earn Battle Pass Keys (BPK) that you can use to trade for rewards of your choice from the new Battle Pass Reward Exchange window.

    Overview of Items that can be exchanged:
    ItemsBattle Pass Keys neededExchange Limit
    Nobilis Hammerclaw Plus251
    Nobilis Hecate Plus251
    Frost Field18
    NPC Nuke38
    Anti-AI Emergency Reserves38
    50x R-IC3115
    75x SP-100X110
    1x N.O.V.A.83
    1x Retargeting P.E.T. gear251
    25x IAC510
    15x Indoctrine Oil510
    75x ABR110
    150x Bifenon110
    100x Tetrathrin110
    75x Kyhalon110
    125x Extra Energy15
    4x Booty Keys110
    3,000x RSB-75110
    4,500x UCB-100110
    2,000x PLT-3030110
    3,000x PLT-202115
    500x UBR-100110
    500x HSTRM-01110
    25x DCR-250110
    50x SR-5210
    1,000x Seprom110
    25x Scrapium110
    45x Log Disks110
    1,000x P.E.T. Fuel110
    150x Polychromium15
    150x Rinusk110
    5x Schism110
    125x Evocation Chip110

    Battle Pass Booty Boxes
    With the Battle Pass Keys, you can also open the Battle Pass Booty Boxes which will be available during the event time. They are spawning in X-2 to X-8, Battle Maps, Pirate Maps. When opening the Battle Pass Booty Boxes, this might take a few seconds to prevent accidental misclicks.

    You can get a lot of valuable items out of these boxes:
    1x DMG-XHD011,20%
    1x SPC- XHD011,20%
    1x HP- XHD011,20%
    1x SHD- XHD011,20%
    50x Extra Energy17,5%
    5x Log Disks18,00%
    5x Booty Key18,00%
    800x A-BL15,20%
    100x Eternal Fragment7,00%
    50x Scrapium6,75%
    1,000x RCB-1406,00%
    2,000X RCB-1404,00%
    1x Nobilis Hecate Plus Ship Design0,23%
    1x Nobilis Pusat Plus Ship Design0,23%
    1x Nobilis Berserker Ship Design0,23%
    1x Nobilis Solace Plus Ship Design0,23%
    1x Nobilis Citadel Plus Ship Design0,23%
    1x Nobilis Orcus P.E.T. Design0,35%
    1x Nobilis Diminisher P.E.T. Design0,35%
    1x Odysseus Laser0,30%
    1x Asmodeus Laser0,30%
    1x Prometheus Laser0,30%

    Eternal Black Light Rankings
    The Black Light Rankings event includes a special Ship Boost event with 2 sets of Ranking Boards with awesome rewards and new titles!

    Ship Boost event: Fever
    There will be 2 different time slots where the Ship Boost event runs: During each run of these “Fever” time slots, different ship selections will get an additional bonus.

    Fever schedule:
    Monday to Friday: From 19:00 to 21:00 LST
    Saturday and Sunday: 13:00 to 15:00 and 19:00 to 21:00 LST

    Fever Set 1: runs from 13th to 19th January
    Affected Ships:
    • Diminisher
    • Zephyr
    • Hammerclaw Plus
    • Sentinel
    • Berserker
    • Mimesis
    • Solaris Plus
    • Solace Plus
    Effects: + 25% Evasion / + 10% Speed / - 25% Skills Cooldown time

    Fever Set 2: runs from 21st to 27th January
    Affected Ships:
    • Goliath
    • Goliath-X
    • Goliath Plus
    • Citadel Plus
    • V-Lightning
    • Tartarus
    • Solace
    • Disruptor
    • Centurion
    • Hammerclaw Plus
    Effects: + 25% Damage / + 20% HP / - 25% Skills Cooldown time

    New Titles

    Eternal GhostBe the top 5 players in Blacklight Rankings 1
    Eternal TempestBe the top 5 players in Blacklight Rankings 2

    Black Light Rankings
    There will be a live ranking displayed in the client event window which shows the players that are getting the furthest in the Eternal Black Light Galaxy Gate.

    Once you enter the Eternal Black Light Galaxy Gate, you’ll take automatically part in the Black Light Rankings. Your highest wave completed will be recorded in the Ranking Boards. If there are players that completed the same number of waves, their rank will be in order of who has reached the wave first.

    Set 1: Running from 13th to 29th January
    Set 2: Running from 21st to 27th January

    Note that both sets will give the same rewards. The only difference will be the titles.
    Set 1: Eternal Ghost
    Set 2: Eternal Tempest

    1stTitle: Set 1 / Set 2 title
    750,000 Uridium
    2 weeks Premium
    75,000 x Seprom
    30,000 x A-BL
    3 x DMG-XT10
    3 x HP-XT10
    3 x SHD-XT10
    3 x SPC-XT10
    2ndTitle: Set 1 / Set 2 title
    500,000 Uridium
    50,000 x Seprom
    20,000 x A-BL
    2 x DMG-XT10
    2 x HP-XT10
    2 x SHD-XT10
    2 x SPC-XT10
    3rdTitle: Set 1 / Set 2 title
    300,000 Uridium
    40,000 x Seprom
    15,000 x A-BL
    2 x DMG-XT10
    2 x HP-XT10
    2 x SHD-XT10
    2 x SPC-XT10
    4th to 5thTitle: Set 1 / Set 2 title
    200,000 Uridium
    35,000 x Seprom
    15,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    1 x HP-XT10
    1 x SHD-XT10
    1 x SPC-XT10
    6th to 10th75,000 Uridium
    30,000 x Seprom
    12,500 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    11th to 25th50,000 Uridium
    30,000 x Seprom
    10,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    26th to 50th35,000 Uridium
    20,000 x Seprom
    8,000 x A-BL
    1 x DMG-XT10
    51st to 100th25,000 Uridium
    20,000 x Seprom
    5,000 x A-BL