GB1 Clan DOCM open

Discussion in 'Clans' started by 007xs, Nov 21, 2016.

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  1. 007xs

    007xs User

    Hello Anyone on MMO on GB1 were open to all
  2. Any more info? What are your ambitions why do you want to get to top why do you want more players. If there were more specific information about that you may have higher chances lad for recruitment :)
  3. 007xs

    007xs User

    Hi open to all companys if your new want help with quests and credits no swearing in chat please and keep to DO rules please have fun playing the game do gates help with how to play the game
  4. i have a friend that plays there, and he would like to know how active you guys are in that clan.
  5. 007xs

    007xs User

    Hi I just made the clan and most players have clan so its just me in clan ranked 89 i only have 8.7 billion exp im on each day im not into pvp but will help any company that wants to join he/she is most welcome to join DOCM is DARK ORBIT CLAN MMO
  6. how do I join tell me this and I will join your clan