gb1,gb2 ,ge5 server issues ,sticky thread

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by AVIT, Dec 3, 2023.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    make this a sticky thread and everyone on this server bombard it with complaints because for most of the yr we are forgotten and cant login to the client .

    we want this server sorted
    a moderator response would be polite if you are bothered about the game still .
    -PRICEYSID- and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  2. gb1 (ge5) broken for me at the moment. the back page works ok but cant get connection for the game screen

    (i only managed to get a few hours use out of those 3 day boosters :( )
  3. tibstar

    tibstar User

    GB 2 cant connect
  4. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    here we go again, day 275 and still problems connecting .died so many times due to this breaking of connection ive lost two eternity gates ,one on first wave this week weekend was a joke bought uridium to gain 50% booster and not been able to use it ,we should all ask for our money back
    `Djurkz` and AVIT like this.
  5. ive got onto gb1/ge5 at 12:10 gmt
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.

  6. same im on ge5 to now
  7. quick buy a lottery ticket. i managed to do the daily quests swithout losing conn :)

    (but now i have to go out. chances of getting back on later - 0% -> 0.0000001%)
  8. GB2 let me get the client screen started today. Thank you, it was quite a while before this started working. Hope it can keep going.
  9. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    GB1 Just disconnected in 4-5. Can't log back in :/
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  10. AVIT

    AVIT User

    again today cant connect

    keep posting guys pls when cant get the client to open ,ask your mates to too .untill they fix it for us .

    MAYBE be helpfull also if you state which server you was from . ie me gb1
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 4, 2023
    `Djurkz` and -PRICEYSID- like this.
  11. how come the bottrs are always on the maps when you do manage to connect, games a complete joke , and support lol what a joke.
  12. omphalosa

    omphalosa User

    ge7 is also having the same issue
  13. AVIT

    AVIT User

    my theory is the botters are still on the game playing because they dont login to the client mate .. these cheat programmes use their own browser and they login to that . it is not the DO client that they login to

    i feel for you then too mate
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 15, 2023
  14. buletchooo

    buletchooo User

    Come on man, please someone just ge this back and running again.
  15. omphalosa

    omphalosa User

    Yeah, it's a shame. Managed to get in after 2+ hours of downtime for a mere 10 minutes before being disconnected and that's it. Server went poof for more than a few hours now. It's still down as of right now.
  16. got on ge5 ok at about 12:00. played for about 15 minutes and got cut off in 3-7. so thats me killed by a kristallin
  17. VampireCat

    VampireCat User

    GE5 just gone down on me yet again, this is a daily occurrence that means I will be popped yet again by an NPC. No response from mods or devs, as that would acknowledge they have a problem. So sick of this.
    AVIT likes this.
  18. tibstar

    tibstar User

    12.30 pm can not connect gb2
  19. 13:15 still cant re-connect. i CAN connect to my global account. tried my GB2 account but that wont connect
  20. omphalosa

    omphalosa User

    This is occurring on GE7 as well. Connect, play for like five minutes, then server is cut short. Don't know if any mods or devs will even reply, but it would be appreciated if we would be given an acknowledgement about the issue.