GB1 Invasion

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sparta[Λ], Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    There isn't a gate...
  2. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Same on scandinavia 2 :p gues all servers..
  3. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    Talked to a CM in game and apparently there is a problem with invasion event. Support are working on it and will update us when they can.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Compensation for lack of an event that's is actually good :).
  5. And today, 3-6 was glitched lmao! by glicthed it meant nothing can shoot anything whilst in the map. so it was impossible to pop players/npc in 3-6. The only way was using rockets which players were but took quite some time to take cube down just with rockets. Oh also you weren't being damaged whilst in 3-6...and yet again, this included prots too. :L
