GB1 space map not loading

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by burkey, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. burkey

    burkey User

    OK, so the back pages are randomly coming up blank, as is the space map sometimes, and it will not fully complete the yellow Loading.

    I know others have posted but I am posting as this is the fourth day in a row I haven't been able to play the game properly and wasting my premium time (I normally don't buy premium and doubt I will again after this weeks palava!!!).
  2. lets see tomorrow
  3. mugRP

    mugRP User

    probably have to wait till monday
  4. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Same here, failed to send seprom yesterday as the backpage wouldn't load... fortunately, my premium is over in 2 days and I won't be renewing it if I see this madness still going on. Might as well follow your idea and take a couple of months break from these frustrations. So much about "enjoy your game"...

    And as I was writing this, got the following error on Skylab page
    XML Parsing Error: unexpected parser state Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/omni.ja!/chrome/toolkit/content/global/netError.xhtml Line Number 308, Column 50:
    <div id="ed_netReset">&netReset.longDesc;</div>
    instead of the notification for completed transport. Just to add, my system disk is not "C:" on a current computer.
  5. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    Support are aware of the issue, however it is believed that it is a flash player/browser issue and not from the DO side, support are trying to find a fix for the issue.

    I know it is frustrating for some players but please remain patient while a fix can be found.

    skywolker72 and -Llewcoch- like this.
  6. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    White_Pepper - thank goodness you are onto this its quite frustrating and a bit unnerving when you can't access your account or the internal map etc or you get random code popping up in your client. Really hope the team can sort this one out, I am positive your best minds are working on it.
    Thanks to yourself and all your colleagues for all the many enjoyable hours of gaming over the last year, we appreciate all your hard work
    Vbest to all the DO team

    -Llewcoch- (GB1)
    skywolker72 likes this.
  7. whats happened to the backpage and login page? When I press start it takes my bar ages to load and it doesn't go green? When it does go green eventually... I freeze in maps?
  8. closing as issue should be resolved
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