(GE1 & USA East) Czerka Corporation [★CZ★]

Discussion in 'Clans' started by USA|Czerka, May 11, 2019.

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  1. USA|Czerka

    USA|Czerka User

    [★CZ★] is a cross-server clan--we have clans active on both GE1, the most active European server, as well as US East, the most active US server. We're not even a month old as of today, yet we we're already a top 80 clan on US East, approaching almost 20 members.

    [★CZ★] utilizes discord which is mandatory for all members to use, PM my inbox for our address. We're an EIC based clan as of now but will transition to a MCC soon. We have NAPs with lots of strong clans, and have a close alliance with one of the top 5# clans on the server.

    [★CZ★] is a PvP, clan base building/defending, and diplomacy oriented clan-- but we also have several members who enjoy completing quests and chasing rank. The best offer we provide to our members is protection; we always stick together in the maps and no enemy has ever been too large for us to take on together.

    Accepting anyone as of now, if you're on either GE1 or USA East just send an application to: [★CZ★] Czerka Corporation [★CZ★]

    Thanks for reading,
    FNewell likes this.
  2. i cant find your clan aswell..