(GE5) Looking for VRU clan

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Devy, Sep 18, 2015.

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  1. Devy

    Devy User

    Hello pilots,

    I am new player on Global Europe 5, company: VRU. I am looking for a friendly VRU clan wanting to help new player with missions (no, I am not interested into stealing credits or something).

    If anyone is interested please let me know here, and we can keep doing the discussion in game. :) Or, fell free to advise me any clan out there so I can go and reach the leader.

  2. good luck bro
  3. Devy

    Devy User

    Hehe, thank you :) Advice me if you know any friendly clan on that server.
  4. ok bud, will do