(GE7) another side of mars [ᗩᔕᗰ™]

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~•spac≡•sp≡js•~, May 1, 2015.

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  1. [ᗩᔕᗰ™] another side of mars
    search and recruit members to fight together against ALIENS and enemys :)
    we can build CBS (clan battle station)
    4 Members rank: 185
    leaders ~•spac≡•sp≡js•~ and vaeska

  2. Hello ~•spac≡•sp≡js•~

    I have edited and fixed your topic info as previously it was not matching specifications for posting in this section.
  3. ty
    and sry i do not use much forum :)
  4. NovaHawk

    NovaHawk User