"Get the adobe flash player"

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †‗ЯΩCK!Ξ‗†™, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. Hi, I am trying to start the darkorbit client but it is saying that I need to download the adobe flash player.. I have downloaded it 3 times now, uninstalled it and installed it again but its still not working?

    Any help would be grand, thank you!

    ASTRAEA User

    I would like you to do two things.

    Please try clearing your browser cookies and cache, this will delete the old stored data and allow the new correct data to be downloaded. Please remember that after deleting your cache it may be necessary to restart your PC.
    This process is best described in a thread that we have on the Dark Orbit forum, which can be found at:
    It covers the main browsers.

    Please clear your FLASH PLAYER cache by going to website:
    You will see a box on the right and under it you will see “DELETE ALL WEBSITES”. Click that button and it will remove all websites storing cache data.

    This should show you have it installed properly,

    After all is done re-log you your computer and try to get on the game.

    If this does not help please post back and we will try something else.

  3. Would that be Opera Browser by any chance?

    note: i am not stalking Astraea :p
  4. Your best bet in my opinion use google chrome browser it has it integrated and avoids extra downloads.
  5. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Due to a lack of response from the original poster i am going to close the thread. However i hope that the suggestions in this thread were able to to solve the issue you were experiencing.

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