Getting a goli

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DignityX1, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. DignityX1

    DignityX1 User

    What would be the normal price for bidding for a goli on global 7?
  2. A trillion credits.. the forum isn't really a place to ask for bid prices, if I remember the rules correctly.
  3. With the new trade/auction I would just bid if you lose you're bid you get your credits back at the end
  4. DignityX1

    DignityX1 User

    I`d like to ask the approximate price snce i bid 3mil and i won it, and i think i bid too much.
  5. Hello DignityX1

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    I would advise you to ask the same in global chat since you will get a quick answer there as compared to forums and also you should remember that bidding trends differ server to server.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Goliath's are usually pretty cheap, on all servers I've played they are usually below 10 million credits and besides you get your credits back from lost bids, 3 million credits is actually a below average or average price for a Goli on most servers and I don't think you bid to much, unfortunately even if you did you most likely wouldn't be able to receive a refund, credits will come easier when you upgrade your skylab and farm bigger aliens in the ''Upper'' maps and that 3 million won't seem like much lol.
  7. DignityX1

    DignityX1 User

    Okay, thanks for answering, you can close the thread
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