Getting banned from not playing

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Sylt, Sep 6, 2023.

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  1. Sylt

    Sylt User

    Ive got banned yesterday, didnt knew until a friend told me, ill have to say that i dont play the game for over an year now, used to be colonel, gave up on the game cause of those that use programs, yet, im banned from not playing the game, people already told you guys that the script you guys use is bad, yet, you guys dont care at all, the ban should be 3 days, ive got 7 days, ill get unbanned on 11, even tho the ban wave was on 28, ive got banned on 5th, that makes it more weird. Ive sent a support ticket, they didnt answer, ill leave this one here, you guys lost people and you guys gonna keep losing people, banning for not playing, but you guys will say i was playing the game and i was using programs, which is weird, cause i didnt had a rank for a lot of months, but idk what to say anymore, good luck, you guys proved how bad you are.