Getting Lf4's

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DJXL.SA.TX, Jan 15, 2014.

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    DJXL.SA.TX User

    I have been playing for awhile now... And know the ways to get LF 4s but I saw a video on Youtube that blow my mind... Could it be true or what...

    This person, had a lot of uri and just made gates for each he made section... all the gates he would get an LF 4....

    He made all the gates then would get an LF 4 is that possible and thats without doing the gates for each section of gates he made he would get an LF 4 wow.

    when he made all the gates then put them on the map he gets LF 4 the he just keep making gates and getting LF 4

    I did not know u could do that

    For example I have 10 mil in uri I keep pushing the GG spins 5million time would that give me LF 4s too???

    I dont think it would but gates only
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  2. Send me the link of this video please, I'll check it out.
    Most likely video effects or a hack, but I'll see.

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    It says
    Darkorbit 35.000.000 Uridium 200 LF4 TestServer

    what is a Testsever
  4. Ah I see why.
    Quoted from cooljak96:

    "A test server is a way for the developers to pre-release ideas to the public. So for example, a couple of months ago before they put the new UI design to the public games, they released a "Test Server", in which a certain number of people can join and look at all the new things before it actually goes into the game. It allows the developers to find all the kinks in the program before they release it.

    It is only released at certain times, sometimes it is announced, other times it is not. Getting in is also extremely hard, as they only let a certain number of players in at a time (not sure of the exact amount) in order to reduce lag. Everyone starts off with a certain amount of Uri, usually a large amount like 1,000,000 uri in order to buy new items or just stuff in general.

    Once you get into the test server, it is the exact same as every other server, except for the new changes they want to introduce, such as a new ship, UI, etc.

    Since there are so many people in at once, it is hard to play at some points because of lag. Also, if you aren't the first 100 people in the test server as soon as it comes out, you might as well just be a sitting duck. I have seen players become UFE in test servers within a couple of hours, because all they do is buy all Iris, LF3s and Goli, then they use the rest of the uri to do gates.

    The test server has no relation to your other servers, so if you sell something in the test server, it doesn't affect you anywhere else.

    Don't believe people when they say that the test server is going to be released soon, as the only people that would actually know that for sure is Support, and they aren't very fond of releasing information early to regular users. Just keep an eye out for it in the server list, on Chat, as many people give a heads up as the test server is on, and also the Official Announcements page, as they sometimes give information on when the test server when be open."

    That sums up what a Test Server is, I hope you understand
    cooljak96 likes this.
  5. Hello DJXL.SA.TX

    Thank you KilerStreak for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    But they dont get to keep the ships right it is just a test ship for that day or do they use their own ships lol

    Or do they get to keep the gear they get???
  7. The Test Server is a server on its on, just like GB1 and stuff. But the server only last from a few hours to a day. After that, the server is gone. And you keep that stuff in that server until it closes. You can't take it into other servers.
  8. Yeah, the server only stays around for a couple days, but when it opens again and you can get in there the ship and gear from the previous test is still there. That's how there are UFE's in the test server. It's not like for each test you have to start from scratch. Also, that is the reason all these goobs on the FB page are always begging for the test server to open, so they can play an account with free uri for a few days.
  9. Hello DJXL.SA.TX

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  10. how can i access to the test server? is it on??
  11. No one can know for sure.
    Just watch the DO Facebook page, and you might find out.
  12. Hello DJXL.SA.TX

    Thank you KilerStreak for assisting with this thread.

    Also you can check from the list of the drop down of server selection, if it on or not.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  13. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

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