[GI] Auction didn't give items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mθя‡Ξm, Nov 19, 2020.

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  1. I was just bidding on a bunch of things and only got 2 messages saying I was outbid on 2 different items, but I didn't receive the other items that I apparently wasn't outbid on. What do I do? More than half of my credits are gone now.
  2. Auction didn't give items + 1 I got it too
  3. It gives but way too long it takes when u see it.o_O
  4. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    If you have not received your items as of yet. PLease contact Support.

    They can look into the issue and book any items that you have coming to you.

    Closing as referred to Support.

    *(ADIGE)* likes this.
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