Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Abraxas, Aug 30, 2020.

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  1. Abraxas

    Abraxas User

    Almost 1 month has passed but the configurations keep disappearing, I would like to start playing again, but in these conditions it is not possible.
  2. Usually more info is needed.
    Which server? Are you using client or browser?
    Have you used the "save configurations" option in hanger?
    Support will ask many of these questions.
    Have you sent a message to "support"
    Forum can offer advice and info if it's a known problem but , it can't fix anything.
    Does the problem occur on all your ships or just a specific one?
    Typical fixes are clearing cache and cookies.
    With the exception of saved passwords ,I have adopted a habit of clearing entire history ,including "site settings" before I log in each day ,using the advanced settings option.
    You may already know all these things depending on how long you have been playing Dark Orbit.
    Since I don't know what you know , please don't take offence to these simple questions and advice.
  3. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    try not equipping your pet and see if that works but all the was brought up in post "equipment" and we still haven't heard back from deter yet everything was described to him but still no answer.
  4. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as inactive.

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