[GI] Controllable drones: is there such a thing?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by EGGLOAF, Apr 22, 2020.

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    EGGLOAF User

    Ok, I wasn't sure where to ask this, so I figured this would be the best place.

    I was playing in a group today, when one of the players went to a battle station. He kept talking about some kind of drone. Then he pointed out a ship that appeared to be his, and told me that it was "a drone". He said we could control it using commands like "::: Destroy mordon" typed in the group chat. Then, of course, the "drone" would start shooting at the nearest mordon.

    And for the most part, the "drone" followed our commands.

    I'm just checking the legitimacy of this, because I can't find anything online about drones that you can control using loosely written commands. Is this

    1. A real thing
    2. Made up, he's just messing with me. He was in the ship and just doing what the commands said
    3. This was some kind of illegal bot or mod that he used.

    He also pretended (or not) to "warp" in and out of the drone, using a sloppy command sequence. In between, he would tell me that he needed to "enter the access code".

    So, is this a lie, a truth, or a serious problem? He just sent me a friend request, and based on the feedback from this question, I'll decide whether it's a good idea (or even safe) for me to accept it.
  2. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello @EGGLOAF

    Yes that is 100% a lie

    there is no such thing to command a drone like that

    Closing thread as answered

    Regards Rogue
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